hi I have my laptop connected to my HD ready television using a svga cable but dont know how to play the volume through the television. My laptop uses windows 7 os. How do i get the volume to play through my tv? Also can I use a Hdmi cable instead of a svga, I just want to play S*yplayer thru my tv.
To get volume to tv you need a cable to convert the stero to RCA. So the easiest way is to male to male and have one plug or you can get an adapter that converts your stero to two female rca for left and right audio. Here is a link for an adapter http://www.audiogear.com/cgi-bin/shopper.cgi?key=ADPT-2RCFMSM&preadd=action Here is a link for a cable http://www.audiogear.com/cgi-bin/shopper.cgi?key=Adpt2RcmMsm&preadd=action You can get these from any audio store best buy, guitar places, radio shack etc. As well VGA to HDMI want give you audio, but if you have an HDMI port, you can check if your labtop supports HDMI audio.
thanks for your reply my laptop is a vaio which has a hdmi port, so how do I check if it supports hdmi audio?
I have a HP DV7 which does support HDMI audio. but before I would just use the VGA output to my TV, then use the audio out jack, into my audio input jack. ( HEadphone Size on both laptop and TV.)
More then likely if your laptop has an HDMI output, it will support both video and audio. The sound should automatically go to the HDMI cable once a connection between the TV and PC is made. If it doesn't you may need to go into sound settings and set the HDMI sound as default.