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AKAI Hi-Fi Sound on one side

Discussion in 'Receivers and amplifiers' started by steo2k8, Jul 19, 2009.

  1. steo2k8

    steo2k8 Active member

    Mar 29, 2008
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    I recently got a Hi-Fi system with 2 tape decks, a tuner and a cd player that holds 7 cd's. When I was testing it I had the right speaker plugged in then when I plugged out the mains and plugged it back in it had no sound. When I plugged the speaker into the left it had sound but none on the right so I have both speakers plugged in on the left and no right audio sound (some songs sound weird without it).

    Any suggestions on why only one side works?
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2009
  2. varnull

    varnull Guest

    check for speaker fuses.. they usually buzz loudly and then shut down if there is an actual output stage fault.. but not always. any burning smell about it or anything leaking out anywhere?

    It's an akai.. they usually have output protection circuitry which can (but not always) be set up on a left/right basis.. though it usually crowbars across the output stages power feeds blowing a main fuse somewhere. First step with akai is check for fuses.. there are probably quite a lot lurking inside.. then I will need model number to suggest anything further.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 19, 2009
  3. djscoop

    djscoop Active member

    Feb 6, 2003
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    if it doesn't have speaker fuses then it will have a relay for the speakers. that way if the speakers short the relay switches off and prevents damage to the amp circuit. if you have any electronic skills take a multimeter and check the relay, fuses, check for power voltage at the transformer, and check the pins on the amp chips. go from ground to each on the pins to see if the chips are getting voltage. check for any burn marks on the board or exploded caps or chipped transistors. it could be a number of things...just use process of elimination
  4. steo2k8

    steo2k8 Active member

    Mar 29, 2008
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    Thanks for the help, there were lots of fuses and I was looking around going through them and eventually found a blown 2.5 Amp 250 Volt fuse (I could see the melted steel inside the fuse) and I went and got a replacement fuse and it now has stereo sound again.

    Thanks again.
  5. djscoop

    djscoop Active member

    Feb 6, 2003
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    no problem, glad that it was a simple fix.

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