Ok. we all know that every day we are loosing chanels BUT...I have a freind who just lives 1 mile away from me..he has the starview the box. He has twice as many channels as I . So....to day I done a factory reset...and lost even more channels inluding all the film channels which I had prieviously!!!! So..as we know the starview 4 usb USED to up-date itself. I went in to nagravision and checked my codes agains my friends..mine were all diffrent..Cracked it I thought. just change them to the same codes as his..But ..on Key 02 the key data on mine is only 16 digits.on the starview 2 if has 17..any ideas would be appreciated. Alan
Just update the software via the usb and rescan Enable the cam As long as your area hasent gone tits up All channels will clear ............Paul
Thanks Bigdunc...any idea were I can locate the "latest" sofware for the starview the box 4 usb? Alan
Thanks Hooter. I had to install the software previouse to the last software to get it up and running again. Got back waht I had...but loosing more channels each day.. alan