Hi guys !! I am interested in buying a laptop (ASUS N70SV-X1 - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834220529), which has 4GB of RAM, and comes with a 64-bit version of Vista. My problem is that I want to use 32-bit Vista on it, since more programs are compatible with the 32-bit version. So is this possble ? Can a 32-bit OS be used on this Laptop ? If yes, would there be any cons in doing this ? Thanks in advance for all the help
It should work, but you will only be able to use 3GB of the memory (32-bit supports up to 4GB, but 1GB will go to the video ram). I would not buy any system with vista unless it comes with a free Win7 upgrade...and that unit does not seem to have it. The best OS for that laptop is probably Win7x64.