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crysis and the crysis i have with my computer

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by ihatemypc, Jul 22, 2009.

  1. ihatemypc

    ihatemypc Guest

    ok i have a Compaq presario here is the link http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=9175064&type=product&id=1218045567985
    anyways i have this stupid graphcis card called GE force 6150 se and i cant figure out if its good or not the advertising sais its like 256 to 1034 mb and some say its a bad graphics card so i want to know if this will run crysis and if anyone has any suggestions about getting a new graphics card thats like $40 - $50 and can run crysis perfectly with graphics up all the way and no lag i hate lag thanks.
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    that is a intergrated videocard not a card that fits into a pci/e 16x slot. what does crysis want for videocard specs?
  3. jony218

    jony218 Guest

    crysis is the most graphic intensive game available. All new video cards are tested against this game.

    Just go to youtube and type in the name of your video card to see what games it can run.
    Your onboard card can actually run crysis but it has serious lag, forget about having the settings on max. But I wouldn't try running complex games on onboard graphics, It'll overheat the onboard graphics and BSOD, that has happened to me.

    Below recommendations
    radeon hd4350 pci-e card can also run crysis (as per youtube) but not at high settings but a little faster than your onboard graphics. I own this card and it plays every game (need for speed most wanted, flatout3, etc) I throw at it, and the graphics look great. (I don't own crysis so couldn't test that). Cost me 39.95, it has no fan but large heatsink (I installed a case fan to blow on it).
    The card you really want is the radeon 4670, that will have no problem playing crysis. It is the current low-price champ as far as performance on a budget. But is higher cost 79.95. Very good reviews on it.
    The 4350 comsumes less than 40 watts, it will work with almost every power supply, the 4670 comsumes about 80 watts recommended 400 watt power supply (neither video card require it's own power plug)
  4. ads

    ads Member

    Apr 13, 2007
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    There are games out there now that require more video card then cyrsis.. everyone says most graphic intense when its not completly true..

    It should play ok on low settings not on max thats an ok video card not the best not the worse.. better latops out there for the price

    For example desktops completly own.. A 260gtx in a laptop is 40-60 percent less effective then the desktop version of that card so it brings it down to a desktop 8800 gt.. preformance wise.. they screwing people on the marketing of the laptop video cards to make it look better then it is...
  5. TehUltra

    TehUltra Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    There aren't really any $40-50 graphics cards that can run Crysis on all high settings, except for on Ebay, which isn't always reliable.
  6. DXR88

    DXR88 Regular member

    May 29, 2007
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    you can get a 3870 for about $75USD there good cards and run crysis well on high/medium.
  7. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Or, you can buy a proper card that will roughly equal the 3870 for similar cost, with none of the bugs, the heat, the driver problems etc. etc. etc, and unlike the 3870, it will be compatible with a Compaq.
    Note: The 6150SE can't even play Doom 3, let alone Crysis.
  8. DXR88

    DXR88 Regular member

    May 29, 2007
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    never had any issues with the 3870's, only thing i can think of is its poor AA performance using modified drivers has almost made that a non issue there is still a hit though just not as great.

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