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Graphic Memory Sharing?

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by LightXxX, Jan 22, 2011.

  1. LightXxX

    LightXxX Guest

    Hi, I have a eMachines W5243 and why does PC(Every) with no graphic cards have to share RAM(MEMORY)? It have 200MB Memory of graphic and it needed share which i dont get and when i can buy a 128MB Graphic card i didn't need to share... Why does Memory need to be shared when it already have it Memory? I disabled memory share and it wouldn't turn on and i have to take CMOS off... Right now im putting memory share at 32MB and it's working fine with Warcraft 3 and when i put it at 16MB Warcraft 3 wouldn't work... How do i Disable Memory share and have no problem with it?
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    onboard video doesn't come with own ram to cut costs. boards used to have onboard videoram but were fixed in size like 32meg so couldn't upgrade ram unless a videocard was installed. if you have a seperate videocard, make certain that that card slot is enabled in the bios, for example if card is a pci then tell bios the video is pci not onboard nor pci\e. if videocard is a pci\e 16 card then tell bios the video is using pci\e not pci nor onboard.
  3. LightXxX

    LightXxX Guest

    I dont have a Video Card and my eMachines W5243 wouldn't support any with 300Watts... Is there a way to disable it without having problems and does sharing slow down computer much?
  4. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    if you don't have a videocard in a slot then you must enable the sharing of ram with the onboard video. can put a seperate videocard without taxing your psu but not a highend card so start looking.
  5. Deadrum33

    Deadrum33 Active member

    Jul 23, 2005
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    If you can either
    1. Share RAM
    2. Use a video card that supplies its own

    Why try and find a 3rd answer?
    What would happen if you take RAM out of the picture? NO GRAPHICS
  6. LightXxX

    LightXxX Guest

    Will when i download this CPUID software thing and look into graphic it said 254MB memory and i shared 32MB so i was thinking, Why it's not on it's own when it's already has it own memory... I dont get why it needed memory when i only share 32MB awhile it has 256MB and is unable to work on its own... What kind of video is good for my eMachines W5243 without getting new PSU which is 300 Watts? i have a OLD PC with PSU and the PC isnt working which was working like 2 months ago and is probably 10-13 years old... So it's like junk now with some stuff gone and I was thinking of replacing the PSU with 480 watts PSU(Came with PC 10 years ago)
  7. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    that old psu might not work with emachine if old psu is not p4 compatible. that means it has an extra connector from the psu to motherboard & that connector is usually a square 4 pin connector. according to this link http://support.gateway.com/emachines/emac/1015008R/1015008Rsp3.shtml you can only share 128meg of main ram to the onboard videocard. i have a geforce 7600gt on my board without needing extra power on it.
  8. LightXxX

    LightXxX Guest

    Oh will, so it's not even ganan work otu than... building a new computer for 500 bucks is better than wasting money on the eMahcines W2543 since it's useless anyway with it 300 watts...
  9. ps355528

    ps355528 Active member

    Aug 17, 2010
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    hahaha.. some people.. honestly..

    find an old pc.. a real antique.. p1 or the like.. even a 486.. pull out the psu.. it will have a proper mains switch on a piece of wire.. use that to power all the drives and fans.. then the only load on your 300w psu will be the mobo and cards... more than enough.
  10. LightXxX

    LightXxX Guest

    I dont knwo what you mean but that's kinda like what im thinking of putting two PSU on the eMachines W5243... One power HDD and one power MoBo and other stuff... so where would i put the other PSU at? i dont wanna take case up because there's 3 kids and one of them may crawl in and do stuff...
  11. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    don't even bother as you don't know what you are doing.
  12. Deadrum33

    Deadrum33 Active member

    Jul 23, 2005
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  13. LightXxX

    LightXxX Guest

    LOL NICE....

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