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How to boot Dell Optiplex 745 SSF in win 98 Dos.

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by hkbeginer, Dec 23, 2009.

  1. hkbeginer

    hkbeginer Guest

    I wanted to boot my pc in win98 Dos for some purpose.
    I had a pc of Dell optiplex 745 SSF and its main board only have Sata drives port, and the Sata disk driver did't support the win 98 Dos, its open the Dos of win 98 but did't open the disk driver. I wanted that kind of Dos who open my disk driver. A guy told me that if we have a new version of win 98 Dos boot image and write the disk with this image then we able to boot sata drive pc and open it.
  2. scum101

    scum101 Guest

    *sigh* .. stop trying to use totally obsolete software... anyway.. your problem is deeper than that.. there are NO win98 sata drivers.. and never will be.. you need to go into the bios and change the hardware to ide mode (google it)
  3. hkbeginer

    hkbeginer Guest

    Sorry, here was my spelling mistake.
    I did't want disk driver.
    I want to run win98 Dos on sata Disk Drive. (I have a Sata DvD Writer).

    When I put a win98 cd in my Sata disk drive and reboot the pc, then my pc run the Dos of win98, but it can't open the Disk Drive where I put the win98 CD.

    I want that because I want to run the ghost. Its only run from disk drive, not in HDD, because the HDD in NTFS formate and win98 Dos can't read the NTFS, that is why I want to open the Sata Disk Drive for opening the Ghost.

    I think you may figured it out.
    sorry for my English.
  4. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

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    why do you want to run ghost for?
  5. hkbeginer

    hkbeginer Guest

    For making ghost of my windows.
    Now u think that why I m not using the newer ghost version who run in windows XP.
    I like the older version of ghost becose it restore the ghost with formating the C: drive. and a totaly fresh window I got.
  6. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

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