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How To OverCloack eMachine W5243

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by LightXxX, Nov 13, 2010.

  1. LightXxX

    LightXxX Guest

    Hi, my eMachine is a W5243... I want to know how to overclock it... I do some research on how to overclock emachine W5243 and i got nothing... I also research on how to overclock the cpu but it's different from my emachine W5243 BIOS... I dont know where to go to overclock my eMachine W5243... Anyone know how to overclock my e-Machine W5243?

    I just recently found a video on youtube(Link-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmytHG2Mq4Y) but it's not for my emachine plus i cant find the PLL thing on the motherboard... Can tell me what it is? I followed the video but since it's not my emachine i'll have to do a search around my emachine and the only thing i cant find it the PLL types...
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2010
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    can't oc that pc & most namebrand computers.
  3. LightXxX

    LightXxX Guest

    Well, why not? Is it because it's outdated? Does the software in the video link above help? Why do they still create e-Machine W5243? Why does it cost $500 for a outdated computer? Can I replace the motherboard with a better one and a new processor(But with Same Power Supply) and RAM? How can I OC my Computer by replacing it?
  4. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    because most if not all namebrand computers as designed not to oc. has nothing to do with age. depends on what cpu you want that determines whether you can use your ddr2 ram & psu. why do you want to oc it, just for bragging rights?
  5. LightXxX

    LightXxX Guest

    Well, My bro has a computer 2.8GHz and he OC it to 3.59 and it's really fast... I was wonder if i can OC my GHz to 3.1 or so... BTW is there anyway i can buy or get the processor OverClocked?

    Also what kind of thing that makes an OC? Should i buy a new processor or a new motherboard or both for my E-Machine W5243(replacing IT)?
  6. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    is his computer a namebrand like dell or a clone built at local computer store? bios determines if cpu can be overclocked. buy both.
  7. LightXxX

    LightXxX Guest

    DAMMIT... What kind of CPU fit my E-Machine W5243? Also where to get it from?(Site)
    BTW my bro built his comp for $900 and i don't know what you mean by namebrand :/... my bro just get all these good items and combine them... IDk how he put it all together but it's fast, smart, and it's a good gaming PC&software(CS5-Adobe Creative Suite 5) runing...
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 14, 2010
  8. LightXxX

    LightXxX Guest

    How do i Overclock my COMPUTER??? The maximum OverClock i can get is 3000MHz.... Look at a summary of the E-Machine W5243 computer:


    Operating System Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 6.1.7601
    Date 2010-11-14

    Computer Type ACPI x86-based PC
    Operating System Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
    OS Service Pack Service Pack 1, v.721
    Internet Explorer 8.0.7601.17105
    DirectX DirectX 11.0
    Computer Name ------PC
    User Name -----
    Logon Domain ------PC
    Date / Time 2010-11-14 / 14:22

    CPU Type AMD Athlon 64, 2400 MHz 3800+
    Motherboard Name Unknown
    Motherboard Chipset nVIDIA nForce 6100-405, AMD Hammer
    System Memory 896 MB
    BIOS Type Award (11/15/07)
    Communication Port Communications Port (COM1)
    Communication Port Printer Port (LPT1)

    Video Adapter NVIDIA GeForce 6100 nForce 405 (128 MB)
    Monitor Generic PnP Monitor [NoDB] (M1C7BD0L04692)

    Audio Adapter Unknown

    IDE Controller Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller
    Storage Controller NVIDIA nForce Serial ATA Controller
    Disk Drive ST325031 0AS SCSI Disk Device (232 GB)
    Disk Drive USB 2.0 (HS) Flash Disk USB Device (3 GB, USB)
    Disk Drive USB Mass Storage Device USB Device (7 GB, USB)
    Optical Drive HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-H40N ATA Device
    SMART Hard Disks Status OK

    C: (NTFS) 117.1 GB (95.6 GB free)
    D: (NTFS) 10950 MB (9650 MB free)
    E: (NTFS) 99 MB (11 MB free)
    F: (NTFS) 105.0 GB (77.7 GB free)
    Total Size 232.9 GB (182.7 GB free)

    Keyboard Standard PS/2 Keyboard
    Mouse PS/2 Compatible Mouse

    Primary IP Address
    Primary MAC Address 00-1E-90-67-DF-A0
    Network Adapter Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC (
    Modem LSI PCI-SV92PP Soft Modem

    USB Device USB Mass Storage Device
    USB Device USB Mass Storage Device

    DMI BIOS Vendor Phoenix Technologies, LTD
    DMI BIOS Version 6.00 PG
    DMI System Manufacturer Gateway
    DMI System Product W5243
    DMI System Version 400
    DMI System Serial Number GC57C40001368
    DMI Motherboard Manufacturer ELITEGROUP
    DMI Motherboard Product MCP61SM-GM
    DMI Motherboard Version 1.0
    DMI Motherboard Serial Number
    DMI Chassis Manufacturer Gateway
    DMI Chassis Version MCP61SM-GM
    DMI Chassis Serial Number Unknow
    DMI Chassis Asset Tag Unknow
    DMI Chassis Type Desktop Case
    DMI Total / Free Memory Sockets 2 / 0



    [ BIOS ]

    BIOS Properties:
    Vendor Phoenix Technologies, LTD
    Version 6.00 PG
    Release Date 11/15/2007
    Size 512 KB
    Boot Devices Floppy Disk, Hard Disk, CD-ROM, ATAPI ZIP, LS-120
    Capabilities Flash BIOS, Shadow BIOS, Selectable Boot, EDD, BBS
    Supported Standards DMI, APM, ACPI, PnP
    Expansion Capabilities ISA, PCI, USB

    BIOS Manufacturer:
    Company Name Phoenix Technologies Ltd.
    Product Information http://www.phoenix.com/pages/products
    BIOS Upgrades http://esupport.com/link/4fc55250

    [ System ]

    System Properties:
    Manufacturer Gateway
    Product W5243
    Version 400
    Serial Number GC57C40001368
    Wake-Up Type Power Switch

    [ Motherboard ]

    Motherboard Properties:
    Manufacturer ELITEGROUP
    Product MCP61SM-GM
    Version 1.0

    [ Chassis ]

    Chassis Properties:
    Manufacturer Gateway
    Version MCP61SM-GM
    Serial Number Unknow
    Asset Tag Unknow
    Chassis Type Desktop Case

    [ Memory Controller ]

    Memory Controller Properties:
    Error Detection Method 64-bit ECC
    Error Correction None
    Supported Memory Interleave 1-Way
    Current Memory Interleave 1-Way
    Supported Memory Speeds 70ns, 60ns, 50ns
    Supported Memory Types SPM, DIMM
    Supported Memory Voltages 2.9V
    Maximum Memory Module Size 4096 MB
    Memory Slots 2

    [ Processors / AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3800+ ]

    Processor Properties:
    Manufacturer AMD
    Version AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3800+
    External Clock 201 MHz
    Maximum Clock 3000 MHz
    Current Clock 2412 MHz
    Type Central Processor
    Voltage 1.3 V
    Status Enabled
    Upgrade Socket 940
    Socket Designation Socket AM2

    CPU Manufacturer:
    Company Name Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
    Product Information http://www.amd.com/us-en/Processors/ProductInformation/0,,30_118,00.html
    Driver Update http://esupport.com/link/88eb08d2
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 14, 2010
  9. cee43ja1

    cee43ja1 Active member

    Sep 14, 2007
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    you CAN'T overclock that machine. it's NOT designed for overclocking.

    reason why your brother can overclock is because his parts were designed with overclocking in mind.
  10. LightXxX

    LightXxX Guest

    What kind of Computer can OverClock?(From the Store)
  11. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    a no name brand like not dell, hp & compaq.
  12. LightXxX

    LightXxX Guest

    What kind of computer(Not LapTop because it well overheat...) can I get from the store that I can OverClock it to 3.0-4.0?

    BTW can all those computer at http://www.cyberpowerpc.com/ be OverClocked and is it a real site to buy computer?
  13. ps355528

    ps355528 Active member

    Aug 17, 2010
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    what a loser.. read the frikkin manual numbnuts!!!!! .. motherboard specs say if a board will run at different speeds depending on cpu capabilities.. as for processors.. same rule applies. certain amd chips you have to get in there and change solder connections.
  14. cee43ja1

    cee43ja1 Active member

    Sep 14, 2007
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    if you seriously want to overclock, build your own system. but be prepared to pay a hefty price for quality parts. you buy cheap, your system goes up in flames (50+% chance)
  15. LightXxX

    LightXxX Guest

    My bro built his computer buy getting those stuff at PriceWatch.COM.... He got it for $900 but the case cost 300 or so($1200)... He built it and have it more than a year now (few month pass a year)

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