i have a Linksys Netword Card 10/100 ethernet Model NO. LH 100C. i need the drivers for it, i seem to have lost them and i cant get on the internet on my desktop to run an update, i searched all over using google and searched on this forum. but no luck for the driver. i tried using LNE100tx driver. no luck got a new pc. sold old one long time ago, kept the card. now my mobo ethernet went out, so i put in the linksys and come to find out i have no drivers. installing onto WinXP
I just found this ~ http://www.xp-drivers.com/drivers/79/79642.htm - i managed to download it in linux but of course i can't test it; if you've got sufficient virus protection you could try it out. I can't vouch for the site it's in but i did try running the file thru http://www.virustotal.com. I've not used that before either but was just passing thru so it may help, it may not.
didnt work. so i took the card out. the chip on it says LNE100tx heres a pic of it. im gonna give that a try off there site. i think i remember seeing that number there. click to see orig.
That's more like it, that seems to bring up more reputable links, try these ~ http://www.linksysbycisco.com/US/en/support/LNE100TX/download http://downloads.zdnet.com/abstract.aspx?docid=456245 http://download.cnet.com/Linksys-LNE100TX-Fast-Ethernet-Adapter-LNE100TX-v4/3000-2112_4-15604.html Am always wary of those so-called driver sites anyways.. ..the chip on the card says v3.0 though..
the first link is a ftp from linksys and they dont have that one anymore so it wont work. the second im not a registered member. i downloaded all the ones from linksys that were LNE100tx's from V1-4. they just done have V3!
I think this card was mainly supported by Win2K due to it's age ie the 2002 or so era. The only other thing i can suggest is to put linux on the machine, an old and well known card like that should have very good support in linux i'd have thought.
heres the funny thing. it was xp supported when bought. alo, i took it out of the 3rd PCI slot. moved it to the 1st slot just below the video card, turned on the pc and plugged the cord in and blammo internet. i dont know whats going on. when i pull up the product manager, it still says it needs a driver. well its working and im gonna leave it alone. not going to test my luck!