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New video card not working help!

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by slkjao, Dec 25, 2009.

  1. slkjao

    slkjao Member

    Dec 4, 2009
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    Hi to start this off i wanna say that this is my first time trying to customize a pc. Recently i purchased the p6280t.


    the specs are listed there and i have all the basic stuff. Integrated graphics, windows 7 home premium edition, Q300 etc. I bought a radeon HD 4670 1GB DDR3 and a Corsair 400w psu. I've installed the psu successfully it was very easy with no problems at all. Now the problem that i have is with the video card. When i try to slide in the video card it wont lock in and secure itself with that plastic lever or whatever. Isn't it supposed to? Its very loose and I believe it will fall off if it wasnt for the back of the case the chassis where part of the video card sticks out. And i know its the right slot! The PCIe x16. I've been looking all over google and couldnt find anything relating to my problem..
    this is my video card btw http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814161287 does it matter that it takes up 2 slots? I'll be talking to a hp technician soon but it looks like ill just have to return it...could it be a DOA? I have another pc with a PCIe x16 slot but i dont think im going to be trying out my video card on it because its broken and only works time to time and i wouldnt want to break the card and not be able to get a refund. please help. Another thing my installation guide says to secure the mounting bracket of the graphics card to the chassis with a screw ....the problem to that is there IS NO SLOT on the chassis to do this. its not designed like this for example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPB_uY00_yg. jeez this is pissing me off so much.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2009
  2. jony218

    jony218 Guest

    According to the specs it should fit on the pci-e slot. The only problems I ever found installing video cards are in the rear where you screw it in. Some cases aren't up to specs, they might be off by a few millimeters and that can cause problems when you try to mount your video card. but I have always been able to get it in.

    I couldn't find any pictures that show the interior of the hp p6280t, maybe you can post some jpegs of the interior of your computer, maybe someone here has encounter the same problem you have.
  3. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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  4. slkjao

    slkjao Member

    Dec 4, 2009
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    wow people on this site are so helpful. thanks guys
  5. slkjao

    slkjao Member

    Dec 4, 2009
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    Well i tried pushing it in as hard as i possibly can i think without breaking the card! Still not working when i turn on the computer it shows no sign of life. thanks for the suggestion anyways. Maybe i should just try taking it to like a best buy or something and have the geek squad there check it out. 50 dollars for help with installing a video card wtf. i just checked and thats how much it was for in store help. 0_o
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2009
  6. k7vc

    k7vc Regular member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    Does the computer work without the card plugged in with just the integrated video? If/when you are successful installing the new card, you will need to disable the on-board video support. (This may be a jumper plug or a BIOS setting.)

    Do you have any wires plugged into the SATA connectors that could be keeping the end of the graphics card from seating flush into the connector?

    Look very closely (a flashlight and magnifying glass might help) at the two rows of pins inside the PCI-E connector. Are any of them bent or pushed in?

    Examine the PCI-E connector and the graphic card edge connector. Visualize how they are supposed to go together. Can you see any physical reason why they should not mate together?

    Last edited: Dec 26, 2009
  7. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    check the bios to see what the current video is as in onboard, pci or pci/e. if listed as onboard or pci then change it to pci/e as i had to do that on neighbor's pc to get new card to work.
  8. slkjao

    slkjao Member

    Dec 4, 2009
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    but even if u dont change the settings in bios when u plug in a new video card isnt it supposed to at least light up and have the fan spinning? Show some kind life. and there is no option in my bios to disable the onboard graphics. ive seen some suggestions on the web about disabling it in device manager ive tried that and then put in my 4670 and it still didnt work no sign of it working. Thanks though and im going to try right now to change the settings to pcie as its on pci.

    I think the problem though is because the card is not locking in when i slide it in the PCIe slot like its supposed to. All the videos ive seen of "how to install video cards" showed the card sliding in and then automatically securing itself and u can hear this kind of pretty loud snapping clicking sound. And then the way to remove it was to press the latch...well somethings wrong my card or this PCI-e slot cause the stupid thing is loose and its monitor port is resting on the back of my computer where monitor port sticks out. I tried fitting it on my other pc (also a HP) and it doesnt secure itself either. So ...i dont get this and i still havent been able to find anyone with my problem

    Ill get back after trying out what both of u suggested :)
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2009
  9. slkjao

    slkjao Member

    Dec 4, 2009
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    ok i solved it...i only had to push it in harder as ddp suggested....ROFL yeah epic fail. Now on to installing drivers. Thanks u guys.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2009
  10. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    teach & learn. no problem.

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