Hey Guys Again... my mother in her brilliance, dropped her laptop the other day,and now can not get past the password screen its an Advent running windows vista. it turns on and loads up to the log in screen, and when the actual password is typed in, it says its the wrong password. we have tried the old passwords, reseting it, caps lock on/off, num lock on/off, all the basics but to no avail. anyone know how we can fix this and just to say i'm aware this sounds suspect but dont worry it is actually our own laptop we are trying to get into cheers guys
Hi crazyaces, Suggest you download a copy of Hiren Boot CD, Burn ISO image to CDR, boot up to it and use the active password changer, easy to use and remove password, you can then boot into Vista and create a fresh password.
try going thru administrator in safemode, go into user accounts & click on remove password & press enter when asked for current password. did that on a customer's son's computer while he was sleeping & needed to get online for wireless but each time i had to restart because of issues, i ran into password problem. resolved that but not wireless issue.