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Random Shut Down

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by rasputini, Mar 24, 2014.

  1. rasputini

    rasputini Member

    Mar 23, 2008
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    Today my PC decided to start shutting itself off. It doesn't just abruptly shut off, but actually powers down. I get the Windows 7 "Shutting Down" message and tone. I monitored my temps and they're around 27-30C. I opened it up, dusted, still shutting down on its own. I was thinking it might be the PSU failing but the MOBO light remains on. Sometimes it shuts down within seconds of reaching Windows. There are no error messages, no beeps, and no automatic reboot. Specs wise Im running Windows 7, i5-750 (not OCd), Samsung 256GB SSD, 8GB Mushkin Silver Stiletto RAM, NVIDIA GTX 760 and a 550w Corsair PSU.

    I did find some drivers with errors, but on the DVD drive. I uninstalled them and am going on 45min without a shut down. Not sure if it's fixed or just a longer than normal pause between shut downs.

    I'm super confused with what's going on.

    Any insight would be great. Im stumped!
  2. aldan

    aldan Active member

    Mar 24, 2007
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    could be corrupt files,not a lot to go on here.try running sfc /scannow.this will restore your windows files.it may ask for your windows install disk as well.if that doesnt work you could try a system restore to before this happened.
  3. rasputini

    rasputini Member

    Mar 23, 2008
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    Okay. It's been a couple days. I continued to get restarts but their spacing apart got further apart. Instead of shutting down within minutes, it would be like 12hrs. As I've said, I can rule out CPU overheating (temps of about 30), the shut down process occurs (I get the DING and the spinning wheel next to "Shutting Down) so I doubt PSU failure, I did a hardware scan of the RAM which came up fine, because I have an SSD I assume that if that were failing it would just be dead, and I ran the /scannow with no Windows errors. I've since freshly installed Windows (last night), but just had a shutdown. This is driving me NUTS! What could be causing this? Hardware seems fine, software is brand new in the computer's mind... Oh AND Windows was installed for an original Windows 7 disc, not a back up disc or restore point. Any insight?
  4. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    look at the silver top cans(capacitors) on the motherboard that none are domed or leaking brown stuff.
  5. Jimmy15

    Jimmy15 Newbie

    Apr 11, 2014
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    If it showdown while you are playing game or watching video, update your driver. the 550w Corsair PSU is good enough to power your PC, I think.
  6. richietea

    richietea Regular member

    Nov 10, 2011
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    I would start with using memtest overnight on all 8GB.Also try removing each bank and run.If you have 4x2 combo run with just a single 4gb and test.I'm aiming towards memory but without errors and just a plain restart its difficult to pin down.Beg/borrow a higher PSU for test purposes.Just cause its more than enough watts does not rule out failure.Hdd's with smart technology might restart at random as well.Take the graphics card out and run with on-board,you never know the gpu might be drawing what's left of a failing psu.Do check what DDP said as well.I used to fix lcd tv's with dying capacitors and they would either not start or randomly shut down.Its a case of elimination im afraid.

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