what com port are you using? does xp have the driver for that printer? what does the printer do or not do when trying to print from xp? does xp see the printer? is your serial ports enabled in the bios?
what com port are you using? two ports com1,com2 does xp have the driver for that printer? don't know what does the printer do or not do when trying to print from xp? noihing is your serial ports enabled in the bios? yes The printer using serial port (null modem) I need the setup for the printer
If this is a DECwriter III (also known as a LA120), you're pretty much SOL. There is no native driver for the device. You might be able to fiddle around with installing it as an LPR drvice or a dumb TTY. 1. Figure out which COM port you are using on your PC. 2. Add printer as Local (COMx) 3. You will have to experiment with drivers from there. there are 5 DecWriter models with Windows drivers. In addition, you will need to configure the COM port serial parameters to match those of the DecWriter. You will need to reference the DecWriter documentation for this information or experiment with baud settings at 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, and 9600, 8bit, 1 stop bit, no parity.