Hi. My husband was stationed in Germany. I just got all of our stuff and I set up my gamecube. It works fine. The problem is, it won't let me start any of the games. I have four controllers, and I tried to press start to start the game and none of them are allowing me to start the game. I don't know if it's ALL 4 CONTROLLERS or if it's the system. I'm looking for suggestions as to what to do, or how to fix it so I can play the games I have. Thank you!
ive played on a gamecube on a few occasions.the controller was faulty on the ones i tryed.touching the wire seemed to get it working again (suspect it was a loose wire).you can try replacing the controllers (providing you can find some).if not the controllers then maybe the port it plugs into or the motherboard.even if you found the problem it would be cheaper and easy to replace the gamecube with a second hand one (gametraders or ebay), then to find replacement parts.