Need a GBA flash cart for theGameCube's Gameboy Player

Discussion in 'Nintendo Gamecube - General discussion' started by Weela, Feb 14, 2010.

  1. Weela

    Weela Member

    Jul 31, 2009
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    I need a GBA flash cart for my Game Cube's Gameboy Player.
    Does anyone know of a flash cart that works with it and where can I get it?

    I've seen some flash carts that use SD cards but the SD card doesn't seem to fit completely into the flash cart and the GBA cartridges have to be inserted all the way in into the Gameboy Player so if the SD card stays even a little bit outside of the flash cart, then it won't fit into the Gameboy Player.
    Anyway, maybe I'm wrong about the SD card so any help will be appreciated.

  2. slackdast

    slackdast Guest

    I have a SD adaptor for my GameBoy Advance that works fine with the Gamecube Gameboy Player.

    It's from the supercard peeps, in whats on the box. granted i bought this years ago.


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