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Read this if your having trouble FTPing to your Xbox (EvoX)

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by dntel123, Aug 11, 2009.

  1. dntel123

    dntel123 Member

    Jul 22, 2009
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    I've seen a lot of people having problems with this, I too had the same problem, So I want to help and I think I can make it quite Clear.

    Heres how you get it working, 100%:

    1) Connect your Xbox to your Router via Ethernet Cable
    2) In EvoX go to System Settings.
    3) If at the top your IP address reads: **** then your FTP Client will not be able to connect to your Xbox.
    4) In EvoX > System Settings - Change your Xbox's IP address from - **** TO ****
    5) Turn the option of *STATIC IP* to **NO**
    6) Go to the botom of System Settings and hit Save & Exit
    7) Turn you Xbox off
    8) Turn it back on
    9) Go into System Settings
    10)The top text which is blue should no longer say **** but **192.168.0.Any Number from 0-255** for example, **** is mine
    11)Open up your FTP Client, Filezilla or Flash FXP.
    12)Click on te Lightning Bolt in Flash FXP, select quick connect, and Enter the Xbox IP (the one thats in Blue in EvoX at the top) then user: xbox Pass: xbox
    13) you SHOULD get into the list of folders now, bingo.

  2. varnull

    varnull Guest

    *sigh* .. exactly the ftp connection guide I posted about 4 years ago in the backups thread.. except you have missed the bits about how to set passive mode (needed by some network configs) and the need to reboot everything once set up.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2009
  3. dntel123

    dntel123 Member

    Jul 22, 2009
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    Just tryna help aren't I mate? And I did say you have to power off and on xbox if thats what you mean..

    Theres nothing wrong with my post.

    And its not a competition either...
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2009
  4. Demonix90

    Demonix90 Guest

    Lol I just helped 2 users in the general section for FTP. I also made a guide, with pictures, and it even covered doing so on vista. Incorporate that, as the internet protocols 3 and 4 are used depending on vista/xp, and take pictures. We like pictures, however the gesture doesn't go unappreciated. Most posts from 4 years ago without hundreds of replies won't be easily found in the search, especially not knowing what keywords to use. Good point on passive mode configuration, something I do infact use though.

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