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XBOX Emulation Issues - MameOX

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by FNHot, Dec 15, 2010.

  1. FNHot

    FNHot Member

    Feb 5, 2008
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    Alright I have a few questions I cant seem to find the answers to.

    1. Whats the newest version of MameOX? .... platinum 2 from what I cant find ... is that right?
    2. Is there a list of working games anywhere for mameOX?
    3. Is mameOX the ideal arcade rom player for the XBOX?
    4. This is really why I am here, I cant get spiderman the arcade game to work in MameOX. Im using 1.1, and it just doesnt see it. Doesnt matter how I refesh the list, it doesnt work.

    any ideas? thanks!
  2. newhelper

    newhelper Member

    Oct 31, 2010
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    most emulators dont support every game usually its the popular games that come first the goes down the list from there usually so the game might not be supported just yet by that emulator http://forums.x-scene.com/lofiversion/index.php/t85336.html
    "like what I have found that mameox doesn't play some games that mame-x does and vice versa" senator. just from that might need both mameox and mame x to run more games

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