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Nero 9 Reloaded activation

Discussion in 'Video to DVD' started by dragonoel, Apr 25, 2010.

  1. dragonoel

    dragonoel Member

    Jul 7, 2007
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    Hi everyone,
    I hope someone can help, I bought Nero 9 reloaded at a weekend market a few months ago and loved it, I was burning all sorts of files with no problems, then recently I tried to make a DvD home video using Nero Vision and a messege poped up that I need to activate this part of the software online by clicking (Here). I did this and a messege said I was using a pirate copy of this software, I did not realise this as although no packeging or booklet the disc and seriel code look genuine, is there any other way to activate this as I cannot find any help on Nero site please help
  2. Paula_X

    Paula_X Guest

    you got burned.. live with it and learn.. everything nero does can be done with freeware that you own instead of use with permission (which can be taken away) ..

    chances are though the disk may be genuine it has already been used and registered by somebody.. hence the "piracy" warning.... software has no resale value these days.. so don't buy it in the first place when free better alternatives are available.. dvd-flick and imgburn .. who needs nero?
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 25, 2010
  3. dragonoel

    dragonoel Member

    Jul 7, 2007
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    Thanx Paula_x
    Just downloaded "Imgburn" will try it later, Do you have a link for "dvd-flick" and I'll try that too,
    thanx again
  4. Paula_X

    Paula_X Guest

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