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What To Do With XviD files?

Discussion in 'Video to DVD' started by abrogard, Nov 5, 2010.

  1. abrogard

    abrogard Regular member

    Oct 18, 2002
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    I have a couplel of XviD files that i want to extract the song and dance routines from.

    In the beginning I only want those routines so's I can stick them together in one file and play them on my own machine - or even one file for each routine.

    But later, I guess, I'll probably want to put them on disk, send to my brother maybe, like that, so I guess eventually I'm after DVD encoding.

    There seems to be hassles associated with editing XviD. I've had hassles and still having them. WMM won't do them properly and wouldn't do a VidX, either, when I converted them to that. Or anything else I tried. I got playable files but only the audio played.

    The conversions were done with SUPER and I also tried with Winx HD Video Converter. No better.

    The same thing with MPEG Video Wizard. Feeding those conversions into it didn't help there either.

    Adobe Premiere sneers at the format, not high class enough for them.

    So I've finished up using SUPER to convert to WMV and feed that into WMM and I get an acceptable file out of that. At least it works. You can see the quality hit but at least there's video to watch and sound to hear.

    I am somewhat astounded that an Open Source thing like XviD wouldn't also come with an Open Source tool for editing - or at least a quick tool for decoding back to some easily edited format with minimum quality loss.

    So I thought I'd ask the members of Afterdawn....

    What would you recommend I do with my XviD files (please be polite) ?
  2. attar

    attar Senior member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    Avidemux can be used to edit avi files.
    You can use the seek bar and A/B buttons to select a clip and either use the 'Del' key on the keyboard to delete the selection or 'File' > 'Save' to save the selection.
    Remember to give the saved file a full name, including the extension, E.G. newfile.avi


    Edit:added image
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2010

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