Ever since AD released the new version of the website my scrolling is all jacked up in Firefox. It scrolls really slow and is really jumpy. This is very annoying and it is hard to use the site. I tried using FF in Safe Mode and it was still messed up. I tried IE and it works fine. Can anyone help me? Does anyone else have this issue?
It's all the java and links at the bottom of the page.. have a play with adblock until you find the culprit.
I have a lot of items blacklisted.. cured it for me.. http://adz.afterdawn.net/www/delivery/avw.php?zoneid=118&n=9339018 */www/delivery/*$domain=~xboxfront.de http://cdn2.afterdawn.fi/v4/share/sb_google.png |http://cdn2.afterdawn.fi/v4/* http://adz.afterdawn.net/www/delivery/avw.php?zoneid=116&n=7e8fbe8 */www/delivery/*$domain=~xboxfront.de http://i.afterdawn.com/partner/idg/IDGmember.gif |http://i.afterdawn.com/partner/idg/* http://cdn2.afterdawn.fi/v4/tab_feedback_eng.png |http://cdn2.afterdawn.fi/v4/* http://cdn2.afterdawn.fi/v4/bk/bk_glow.png |http://cdn2.afterdawn.fi/v4/* http://cdn2.afterdawn.fi/v4/bk/bk_2_drop.png |http://cdn2.afterdawn.fi/v4/* http://cdn2.afterdawn.fi/v4/forums/subscribeButtonBg.gif |http://cdn2.afterdawn.fi/v4/* http://cdn3.afterdawn.fi/v4/share/sb_facebook2.png |http://cdn3.afterdawn.fi/v4/share/* no-script disallows are.. afterdawn.net afterdawn.fi quaintserv.com and 15 others <SCRIPT>:15 | <OBJECT>:0 With these tools you have to understand how to use them to get any benefit with "problem" sites. I have been using adblock for a long time on afterdawn to remove web bugs and annoyances.. You will have to find out for yourself the way to add those to your disable list.. it's not hard, but learn how for yourself then you can apply the same methods on other bad sites. Those are my blocks.. they have cured the messed up scrolling for me at least to a great extent. It's still slow to load pages sometimes and will go on one on certain pages.. Took quite a while to get all that list together by trial and error.. there is still way too much junk on the pages for my liking.. just waiting for a nice xss image drop exploit taking down all the windoze machines.. it's honestly begging for it with all that junk at the bottom of the page. I'm not impressed really.. think it's bad coding and too much java.