-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BACK UP YOUR FILES BEFORE UNLOCKING This will also bring the phone to default settings 1. First do a CUSTOM reset: *2767*2878# (star 2767 star 2878 hash) turn off the phone 2. take out the battery and sim and put wrong network SIM and insert a half of it, so it won't ask for network password and shows "Insert SIM" message. Now put the battery ,and switch the phone on .(phone shows "Insert SIM" message.) 3.With out turn off the phone push the sim fully in. At this stage the phone is still asking to "Insert SIM" 4. Make a FULL reset by typing: *2767*3855#(star 2767 star 3855 hash) 5. The phone should reboot working with "wrong" sim inside. 6. Make a Change the NCK password to 8 zeros by typing: *7465625*638*00000000*00000000#(star 7465625 star 638 star 8zeros star 8zeros hash) 7. Now Disable network lock By typing: #7465625*638*00000000#(hash 7465625 star 638 star 8zeros hash) Phone is unlocked (check with *#7465625#) If you find that SPLock is still on afterwards follow the below After you do the reset, check and make sure that your network lock is active by pressing *#7465625#. If it isn't active you must use this code to reactivate it, *7465625*638*00000000*00000000#. Then you have to deactivate the sp lock first. To do that you need to input *7465625*77*00000000*00000000#, (this will reset the lock) then you enter #7465625*77*00000000# (to disable the sp lock). Then you disable the network lock #7465625*638*00000000# and the phone is finally unlocked.
hi have NCK code SPCK AND MCK code how to use these to unlcok my GT-s5230VOD tocco lite these are from mnfr geniuine codes pls suggest me
I have frozen my phone as I entered wrong unlock code. Is a Samsung gt s5230 I was given this phone yesterday and have no leads to connect it to the pc. Is there any way of unfreezing without having to pay for it? Thanks
Up until step 5 it's ok. Then the phone asks for the normal (sim) code (max 8 char)...which doesn't work But the code in step 6 is too large for this. Where (in what dialogue box) can I change the nck? Luckily no freeze... but no unlock either. Please advise. Thx in advance.