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nero 7.10 keeps getting burn errors

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by pickel182, Feb 14, 2010.

  1. pickel182

    pickel182 Member

    Jun 27, 2005
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    Hey All,

    I have been trying for weeks to burn a mix audio cd for the lady. I keep getting coasters and sadly she deosnt drink coffee. Any help on this is greatly appreciated.


    Chris Vacek

    Windows XP 5.1
    WinAspi: -

    NT-SPTI used
    Nero Version:
    Internal Version: 7, 10, 1, 0

    Recorder: <SONY DVD RW DRU-V200S> Version: 1.60 - HA 1 TA 1 -
    Adapter driver: <IDE> HA 1
    Drive buffer : 2048kB
    Bus Type : via Inquiry data (1) -> ATAPI, detected: ?
    Connected to MMC as unknown drive with class-nr : 1
    Drive is autodetected - recorder class: Std. MMC recorder
    CD-ROM: <QZCBKLC 4LANOHAF0 >Version: 1.03 - HA 1 TA 3 -
    Adapter driver: <IDE> HA 1

    === Scsi-Device-Map ===
    CdRomPeripheral : TSSTcorp CD/DVDW SH-S182M atapi Port 0 ID 0 DMA: On
    CdRomPeripheral : SONY DVD RW DRU-V200S nvata Port 2 ID 2 DMA: Off
    DiskPeripheral : ST3750640AS nvata Port 3 ID 2 DMA: Off
    CdRomPeripheral : NoteBurnVirtual_CD-RW 1.01 ntcdrdrv Port 4 ID 0 DMA: Off
    CdRomPeripheral : QZCBKLC 4LANOHAF0 1.03 arnux4bm Port 5 ID 0 DMA: Off

    === CDRom-Device-Map ===
    SONY DVD RW DRU-V200S E: CdRom1
    TSSTcorp CD/DVDW SH-S182M G: CdRom0
    NoteBurn Virtual_CD-RW I: CdRom2

    AutoRun : 1
    Excluded drive IDs:
    WriteBufferSize: 83886080 (0) Byte
    BUFE : 0
    Physical memory : 2046MB (2095532kB)
    Free physical memory: 1128MB (1155404kB)
    Memory in use : 44 %
    Uncached PFiles: 0x0
    Use Inquiry : 1
    Global Bus Type: default (0)
    Check supported media : Disabled (0)

    Audio CD
    2:16:03 PM #1 Text 0 File SCSIPTICommands.cpp, Line 424
    LockMCN - completed sucessfully for IOCTL_STORAGE_MCN_CONTROL

    2:16:03 PM #2 CDADOC -1 File Cdadoc.cpp, Line 1588
    Audio item log info:
    Audio document burn settings:
    Burn mode: DAO,
    CD Text: On,
    Cache disk or network files: No,
    Cache small files: No,
    Cache files smaller than 65536 bytes.
    Audio Multisession: No
    List of audio tracks:
    Track 01: Length: 03:01.38, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 0, Name: '01 Bleed American.m4a'.
    Track 02: Length: 03:07.41, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 0, Name: '01 Insurance_.m4a'.
    Track 03: Length: 04:08.65, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 0, Name: '02 Pollyanna.m4a'.
    Track 04: Length: 04:01.38, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 0, Name: '03 Existentialism On Prom Night.m4a'.
    Track 05: Length: 03:36.67, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 0, Name: '04 On Top Of The World.m4a'.
    Track 06: Length: 03:13.58, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 0, Name: '06 - something in the way she moves.mp3'.
    Track 07: Length: 04:12.02, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 0, Name: '06 I Just Can't Stop Loving You.mp3'.
    Track 08: Length: 02:47.55, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 0, Name: '08 Roller Coaster.m4a'.
    Track 09: Length: 02:43.56, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 0, Name: '09 Crazy Little Thing Called Love.m4a'.
    Track 10: Length: 03:55.21, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 0, Name: '09 Hey Ya!.mp3'.
    Track 11: Length: 04:29.17, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 0, Name: '11 I Want You.m4a'.
    Track 12: Length: 03:22.21, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 0, Name: '11 Stay Tonight.m4a'.
    Track 13: Length: 03:32.71, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 0, Name: '15 Never Gonna Give it Up.mp3'.
    Track 14: Length: 05:14.31, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 0, Name: '15 Wrapped Around Your Finger.m4a'.
    Track 15: Length: 02:59.64, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 0, Name: '4 in my eyes.mp3'.
    Total size: 54:57.45

    2:16:03 PM #3 Text 0 File Burncd.cpp, Line 3196
    Power-Burn activated

    2:16:03 PM #4 Text 0 File AudioCompilationImpl.cpp, Line 838
    DRM: StartDrmRecording(RealRec:1, ImageRec:0, Copies:1)
    DRM: Beginning burn process.

    2:16:03 PM #5 Text 0 File Burncd.cpp, Line 3508
    Turn on Disc-At-Once, using CD-R/RW media

    2:16:03 PM #6 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 307
    Last possible write address on media: 359845 ( 79:59.70)
    Last address to be written: 247169 ( 54:57.44)

    2:16:03 PM #7 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 319
    Write in overburning mode: NO (enabled: CD)

    2:16:03 PM #8 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 2972
    Recorder: SONY DVD RW DRU-V200S;
    CDR code: 00 97 26 66; OSJ entry from: CMC Magnetics Corporation
    ATIP Data:
    Special Info [hex] 1: D0 00 98, 2: 61 1A 42 (LI 97:26.66), 3: 4F 3B 47 (LO 79:59.71)
    Additional Info [hex] 1: 00 00 80 (invalid), 2: 00 00 00 (invalid), 3: 00 00 00 (invalid)

    2:16:03 PM #9 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 493
    >>> Protocol of DlgWaitCD activities: <<<

    2:16:03 PM #10 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 793
    Setup items (after recorder preparation)
    0: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (01 Bleed American.m4a)
    2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    original disc pos #0 + 13613 (13613) = #13613/3:1.38
    relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required
    -> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 13613 blocks [E: SONY DVD RW DRU-V200S]
    1: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (01 Insurance_.m4a)
    2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    original disc pos #0 + 14066 (14066) = #14066/3:7.41
    relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required
    -> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 14066 blocks [E: SONY DVD RW DRU-V200S]
    2: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (02 Pollyanna.m4a)
    2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    original disc pos #0 + 18665 (18665) = #18665/4:8.65
    relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required
    -> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 18665 blocks [E: SONY DVD RW DRU-V200S]
    3: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (03 Existentialism On Prom Night.m4a)
    2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    original disc pos #0 + 18113 (18113) = #18113/4:1.38
    relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required
    -> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 18113 blocks [E: SONY DVD RW DRU-V200S]
    4: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (04 On Top Of The World.m4a)
    2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    original disc pos #0 + 16267 (16267) = #16267/3:36.67
    relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required
    -> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 16267 blocks [E: SONY DVD RW DRU-V200S]
    5: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (06 - something in the way she moves.mp3)
    2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    original disc pos #0 + 14533 (14533) = #14533/3:13.58
    relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required
    -> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 14533 blocks [E: SONY DVD RW DRU-V200S]
    6: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (06 I Just Can't Stop Loving You.mp3)
    2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    original disc pos #0 + 18902 (18902) = #18902/4:12.2
    relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required
    -> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 18902 blocks [E: SONY DVD RW DRU-V200S]
    7: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (08 Roller Coaster.m4a)
    2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    original disc pos #0 + 12580 (12580) = #12580/2:47.55
    relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required
    -> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 12580 blocks [E: SONY DVD RW DRU-V200S]
    8: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (09 Crazy Little Thing Called Love.m4a)
    2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    original disc pos #0 + 12281 (12281) = #12281/2:43.56
    relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required
    -> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 12281 blocks [E: SONY DVD RW DRU-V200S]
    9: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (09 Hey Ya!.mp3)
    2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    original disc pos #0 + 17646 (17646) = #17646/3:55.21
    relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required
    -> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 17646 blocks [E: SONY DVD RW DRU-V200S]
    10: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (11 I Want You.m4a)
    2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    original disc pos #0 + 20192 (20192) = #20192/4:29.17
    relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required
    -> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 20192 blocks [E: SONY DVD RW DRU-V200S]
    11: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (11 Stay Tonight.m4a)
    2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    original disc pos #0 + 15171 (15171) = #15171/3:22.21
    relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required
    -> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 15171 blocks [E: SONY DVD RW DRU-V200S]
    12: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (15 Never Gonna Give it Up.mp3)
    2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    original disc pos #0 + 15971 (15971) = #15971/3:32.71
    relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required
    -> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 15971 blocks [E: SONY DVD RW DRU-V200S]
    13: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (15 Wrapped Around Your Finger.m4a)
    2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    original disc pos #0 + 23581 (23581) = #23581/5:14.31
    relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required
    -> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 23581 blocks [E: SONY DVD RW DRU-V200S]
    14: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (4 in my eyes.mp3)
    2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    original disc pos #0 + 13489 (13489) = #13489/2:59.64
    relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/not required
    -> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 13489 blocks [E: SONY DVD RW DRU-V200S]

    2:16:03 PM #11 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 995
    Prepare [E: SONY DVD RW DRU-V200S] for write in CUE-sheet-DAO
    DAO infos:
    MCN: "†††††† &#256;&#3841;"
    TOCType: 0x00; Session Closed, disc fixated
    Tracks 1 to 15: Idx 0 Idx 1 Next Trk
    1: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 0 352800 32370576, ISRC ""
    2: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 32370576 32723376 65806608, ISRC ""
    3: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 65806608 66159408 110059488, ISRC ""
    4: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 110059488 110412288 153014064, ISRC ""
    5: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 153014064 153366864 191626848, ISRC ""
    6: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 191626848 191979648 226161264, ISRC ""
    7: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 226161264 226514064 270971568, ISRC ""
    8: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 270971568 271324368 300912528, ISRC ""
    9: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 300912528 301265328 330150240, ISRC ""
    10: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 330150240 330503040 372006432, ISRC ""
    11: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 372006432 372359232 419850816, ISRC ""
    12: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 419850816 420203616 455885808, ISRC ""
    13: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 455885808 456238608 493802400, ISRC ""
    14: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 493802400 494155200 549617712, ISRC ""
    15: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x00, FilePos 549617712 549970512 581696640, ISRC ""
    DAO layout:
    -150 | lead-in | 0 | 0x01 | 0 | 0 | 0x00
    -150 | 1 | 0 | 0x21 | 0 | 0 | 0x00
    0 | 1 | 1 | 0x21 | 13613 | 0 | 0x00
    13613 | 2 | 0 | 0x21 | 0 | 0 | 0x00
    13763 | 2 | 1 | 0x21 | 14066 | 13763 | 0x00
    27829 | 3 | 0 | 0x21 | 0 | 0 | 0x00
    27979 | 3 | 1 | 0x21 | 18665 | 27979 | 0x00
    46644 | 4 | 0 | 0x21 | 0 | 0 | 0x00
    46794 | 4 | 1 | 0x21 | 18113 | 46794 | 0x00
    64907 | 5 | 0 | 0x21 | 0 | 0 | 0x00
    65057 | 5 | 1 | 0x21 | 16267 | 65057 | 0x00
    81324 | 6 | 0 | 0x21 | 0 | 0 | 0x00
    81474 | 6 | 1 | 0x21 | 14533 | 81474 | 0x00
    96007 | 7 | 0 | 0x21 | 0 | 0 | 0x00
    96157 | 7 | 1 | 0x21 | 18902 | 96157 | 0x00
    115059 | 8 | 0 | 0x21 | 0 | 0 | 0x00
    115209 | 8 | 1 | 0x21 | 12580 | 115209 | 0x00
    127789 | 9 | 0 | 0x21 | 0 | 0 | 0x00
    127939 | 9 | 1 | 0x21 | 12281 | 127939 | 0x00
    140220 | 10 | 0 | 0x21 | 0 | 0 | 0x00
    140370 | 10 | 1 | 0x21 | 17646 | 140370 | 0x00
    158016 | 11 | 0 | 0x21 | 0 | 0 | 0x00
    158166 | 11 | 1 | 0x21 | 20192 | 158166 | 0x00
    178358 | 12 | 0 | 0x21 | 0 | 0 | 0x00
    178508 | 12 | 1 | 0x21 | 15171 | 178508 | 0x00
    193679 | 13 | 0 | 0x21 | 0 | 0 | 0x00
    193829 | 13 | 1 | 0x21 | 15971 | 193829 | 0x00
    209800 | 14 | 0 | 0x21 | 0 | 0 | 0x00
    209950 | 14 | 1 | 0x21 | 23581 | 209950 | 0x00
    233531 | 15 | 0 | 0x21 | 0 | 0 | 0x00
    233681 | 15 | 1 | 0x21 | 13489 | 233681 | 0x00
    247170 | lead-out | 1 | 0x01 | 0 | 0 | 0x00

    2:16:03 PM #12 Text 0 File SCSIPTICommands.cpp, Line 215
    SPTILockVolume - completed successfully for FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME

    2:16:03 PM #13 Text 0 File Burncd.cpp, Line 4294
    Caching options: cache CDRom or Network-No, small files-No (<64KB)

    2:16:03 PM #14 Phase 36 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1762
    Burn process started at 8x (1,200 KB/s)

    2:16:03 PM #15 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2721
    Verifying disc position of item 0 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #0

    2:16:03 PM #16 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2721
    Verifying disc position of item 1 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #13763

    2:16:03 PM #17 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2721
    Verifying disc position of item 2 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #27979

    2:16:03 PM #18 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2721
    Verifying disc position of item 3 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #46794

    2:16:03 PM #19 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2721
    Verifying disc position of item 4 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #65057

    2:16:03 PM #20 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2721
    Verifying disc position of item 5 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #81474

    2:16:03 PM #21 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2721
    Verifying disc position of item 6 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #96157

    2:16:03 PM #22 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2721
    Verifying disc position of item 7 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #115209

    2:16:03 PM #23 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2721
    Verifying disc position of item 8 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #127939

    2:16:03 PM #24 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2721
    Verifying disc position of item 9 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #140370

    2:16:03 PM #25 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2721
    Verifying disc position of item 10 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #158166

    2:16:03 PM #26 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2721
    Verifying disc position of item 11 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #178508

    2:16:03 PM #27 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2721
    Verifying disc position of item 12 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #193829

    2:16:03 PM #28 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2721
    Verifying disc position of item 13 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #209950

    2:16:03 PM #29 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2721
    Verifying disc position of item 14 (relocatable, no disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #233681

    2:16:03 PM #30 Text 0 File MMC.cpp, Line 17685
    StartDAO : CD-Text - On

    2:16:03 PM #31 Text 0 File MMC.cpp, Line 22363
    Set BUFE: Power-Burn -> ON

    2:16:03 PM #32 Text 0 File MMC.cpp, Line 17915
    CueData, Len=256
    21 00 00 41 00 00 00 00
    21 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
    21 01 01 00 00 00 02 00
    21 02 00 00 00 03 03 26
    21 02 01 00 00 03 05 26
    21 03 00 00 00 06 0d 04
    21 03 01 00 00 06 0f 04
    21 04 00 00 00 0a 17 45
    21 04 01 00 00 0a 19 45
    21 05 00 00 00 0e 1b 20
    21 05 01 00 00 0e 1d 20
    21 06 00 00 00 12 06 18
    21 06 01 00 00 12 08 18
    21 07 00 00 00 15 16 07
    21 07 01 00 00 15 18 07
    21 08 00 00 00 19 24 09
    21 08 01 00 00 19 26 09
    21 09 00 00 00 1c 19 40
    21 09 01 00 00 1c 1b 40
    21 0a 00 00 00 1f 0b 2d
    21 0a 01 00 00 1f 0d 2d
    21 0b 00 00 00 23 08 42
    21 0b 01 00 00 23 0a 42
    21 0c 00 00 00 27 28 08
    21 0c 01 00 00 27 2a 08
    21 0d 00 00 00 2b 04 1d
    21 0d 01 00 00 2b 06 1d
    21 0e 00 00 00 2e 27 19
    21 0e 01 00 00 2e 29 19
    21 0f 00 00 00 33 37 38
    21 0f 01 00 00 33 39 38
    01 aa 01 01 00 36 39 2d

    2:16:03 PM #33 Text 0 File ThreadedTransfer.cpp, Line 269
    Pipe memory size 83836800

    2:56:25 PM #34 SPTI -1135 File SCSIPassThrough.cpp, Line 179
    CdRom1: SCSIStatus(x02) WinError(0) NeroError(-1135)
    Sense Key: 0x03 (KEY_MEDIUM_ERROR)
    Sense Code: 0x0C
    Sense Qual: 0x00
    CDB Data: 0x2A 00 00 00 E0 C4 00 00 1B 00 00 00
    Sense Area: 0xF0 00 03 00 00 DE FC 0A 00 00 00 00 0C
    Buffer x093029c0: Len xf810
    0x33 E3 EF D8 5C E3 57 D4 F0 E2 54 D1 4F E3 B0 CE
    0x22 E5 5A CC 8B E8 F6 CB 10 EC 13 CD 7E ED EF CC
    0xC3 EC 12 CB B3 EA 09 C9 D7 E7 C8 C7 60 E5 DE C7

    2:56:25 PM #35 CDR -1135 File Writer.cpp, Line 303
    Write error

    2:56:25 PM #36 Phase 38 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1762
    Burn process failed at 8x (1,200 KB/s)

    2:56:25 PM #37 Text 0 File AudioCompilationImpl.cpp, Line 863
    DRM: DRM burn session terminated.

    2:56:25 PM #38 Text 0 File AudioCompilationImpl.cpp, Line 892
    DRM: Closing entire DRM handling. Bye.

    2:56:26 PM #39 Text 0 File SCSIPTICommands.cpp, Line 261
    SPTIDismountVolume - completed successfully for FSCTL_DISMOUNT_VOLUME

    2:56:28 PM #40 Text 0 File Cdrdrv.cpp, Line 11185
    DriveLocker: UnLockVolume completed

    2:56:28 PM #41 Text 0 File SCSIPTICommands.cpp, Line 424
    UnLockMCN - completed sucessfully for IOCTL_STORAGE_MCN_CONTROL

    Existing drivers:

    Registry Keys:
    HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\AllocateCDROMs : 0 (Security Option)
  2. gurnard

    gurnard Regular member

    Mar 22, 2005
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