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Nero vision outputs dirty files...

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by omegaman7, Sep 13, 2010.

  1. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    For reference, the version of Nero I'm running is Nero 9 Suite. Nero Vision vers.

    I've heard people say that dvd shrink is rather dirty about it's output files(Less compliancy). I totally believe that to some degree. Sometimes I'll have dvd shrink do something simple with files, because its a simple user interface, capable, and quicker than other programs. Though there are others I'm aware of.

    Nero vision just exhibited the same problem. I like to output files, for dvd rebuilder to encode. Rather than have Nero vision transcode the files, I like CCE to encode the files. Does a significantly better job. I'm sure most who read this know exactly what I'm talking about. Especially when the job is 3hrs worth of video. With dvd shrink, 3hrs is generally pushing the abilities of the transcoder. It does ok...but not as good as CCE.

    Those who use Dvd rebuilder, are familiar with its picky nature at times. E.g. it wants pristine, compliant files. This is not a stab at Jdobbs. I love your software man. I use it regularly. I'm also one of the no doubt few who actually paid for it :p
    I got a typical error with separate transcodes today. (While "preparing" the files)
    "DVD Rebuilder experienced an error collecting header extension. [15:38] 00068 00005"
    I produced 4 folders worth of Encode jobs. 3hrs each, averaging 6.5Gb each. A television show if your curious. 12 episodes 3 episodes per disc. Even though Nero said that it would exceed the size of the dual layer dvd, it did not. 2 of the folders encoded ok, while the other 2 did not. I'm uncertain what was wrong with the other 2. I can only conclude that Nero has bugs that need to be worked out. Perhaps this thread will help someone in the future.

    By the way, I tried running the files through FixVts...

    Thankfully, Dvd shrink was capable of transcoding the other 2. If I had known this would happen, I would have had Nero transcode them though. Would have saved a trivial amount of time :p
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2010
  2. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Strange, I got an email that this thread had a new post. Looks like this thread has the typical bug...

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