I tried to use ConvertXToDVD to convert a Korean movie ( in avi + an interactive audio file in .smi ) to DVD . ConvertXToDVD cannot handle .smi and I ended up with a movie without subtitle ( which is useless for me !! ) . On the other hand, I can watch the movie on PC with GOM player and it shows subtitles ! Is there a way to rip the subtitle file from the .smi file for use in ConvertXToDVD ? Please help... Thanks
http://forum.videohelp.com/topic219201.html SubResync (part of VOBSub) can convert .smi to .srt format (which can be used with ConvertX). Open the .smi file in SubResync and click 'Save as.' and select 'Subripper .srt' as the output type.