I've been searching the internets for advice on My wife's Ipod touch 1st generation and can't find any tips, I wondered if you might be able to help me? The issue on charging the device. Originally the touch came with a USB power charger which took about 8 hours to fully charge the device (a bit excessive i think). We lost the USB charger lead about a month ago and started to use our housemates I pod mains chargers. Now the I pod touch beeps constantly when plugged in and doesn't seem to be charging correctly, have you ever experienced this with any Apple products? Should I buy another USB charger lead or are the mains ones fine? Thanks in advance for any advice you have!
Here's were you can purchase a replacement charger for your ipod touch. Sounds like the charger your using in place of the original may possibly be incompatible. If the beeping issue is not resolved with the use of a new OEM charger. Then try reseting the ipod, and reinstalling itunes. http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&ke...=aps&hvadid=3503804625&ref=pd_sl_43bop21ge3_b
Thank you QuikDraw you were spot on. I brought an official charger today and the touch is working like a dear! Thanks for the advice!