Convert .MKV to HD DVD to play in Xbox 360 HD-DVD Player?

Discussion in 'HD DVD discussion' started by andywool, Jul 19, 2009.

  1. andywool

    andywool Member

    Dec 27, 2006
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    Hi all!

    My first question is:-

    1. Does the Xbox 360 HD-DVD Player support other media? For example DVD+R DL DVD's? (I've looked everywhere but can't find an answer to this.)

    2. If the answer to my first question is NO, just forget my other question, lol

    3. I have a 7.9GB .mkv file and was wondering if it would be possible to convert it somehow and burn it onto a DVD+R DL DVD so it can be played in the Xbox 360 HD DVD player?

    I know you can easily convert .mkv to bluray and play in most bluray players, I suppose im just looking for a cheaper option.
    A bluray player is around £140 where as a Xbox 360 HD DVD player is only £22.

    Hope someone can help, Many thanks!
  2. qwert99

    qwert99 Regular member

    Sep 25, 2004
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    I just figured out how to do this sometime this week, so the following information should be legit:

    Use a freeware program called XenonMKV (Google it) to convert the 7GB MKV file into two smaller MP4 files that the 360 can play. It took approximately 30 minutes on my Dual Core laptop. For some reason I guess the 360 cannot play files that are larger than 4GB each. XenonMKV automatically breaks the file into sizes the 360 can manage.

    Now you have a file format that the 360 can play (MP4). However, I recommend you don't burn these to DVDs or whatever, as that would be wasteful when there is a better solution out there that will be worth it in the long-term. You must set up your 360 to see your PC's video files and share them through the network.

    Since this file is pretty big, I doubt wireless networking will work, so make sure that both your PC and your 360 are both hard connected to the same router.

    Now open Windows Media Player on your PC. You need to have at least version 11 of WMP. If you don't have version 11, update. Click on "Library" at the top, and click to "Add to Library" when that comes up. Select the folder that your new MP4 files are in, and also any other folders with video files that you want to watch on the TV via the Xbox. Once you are done, you must keep Windows Media Player open.

    Now turn on your 360, navigate to "My Xbox", go to "Video Library" and in this section you will find your PC that is hardwired to the same router as the 360 listed by name. Select it. Now you will see all of the video files that you selected to share in Windows Media Player. As far as I know, only MKV files need converting. 99% of other common media files should play just fine.

    I hope this was helpful. It is a really great way to stream movies from your PC to your big TV, even when your HTPC with the Blu-Ray drive takes a dump on you, as mine did....

    Best of luck to you.
  3. flysis

    flysis Guest

    as to convert MKV to DVD, you can have a try with DVD Creator, i think it will be fit for you, for it can convert mkv and many other video formats.and also you can visit their detail guide about how to convert MKV to DVD edited by ddp.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2009

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