Hi all. I want to watch downloaded HD/Blue-Ray movies on my Samsung HD Plasma through my Vostro laptop. I am confident the laptop is quick enough. What do i need to accomplish this? I have all the codecs installed on my laptop. The right software for playback. Does my video card need to have HDMI output or can i use a standard VGA cable? Thanks.
VGA cable will work as long as your tv has that connection as well. I think a lot of never tv's do. What are you going to do for sound?
So using the standard VGA cable will support 720p, 1080i and 1080p? For sound i have some creative speaks that i plug direct into the laptop. Unfortunately my sound card doesn't support Surround sound.
I haven't actually tested it so I can't say for sure. I can't see it being a problem though because the computer's software should make playback via the VGA possble regardless of the content.