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fighting with bad sector in EEEPC

Discussion in 'Linux - General discussion' started by UbuntuX, Feb 15, 2010.

  1. UbuntuX

    UbuntuX Member

    Feb 6, 2010
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    Hi, I have a problem that when I install Ubuntu into my EEEPC(4GB + 8GB SSD),a set the 4GB as root, 8 GB as home, but the system said that my 8GB SSD had a bad sector in area 63.

    What should I do if I really want to install a Ubuntu system into my EEEPC with SSD only,so I can use the SD card as a portable storage device.Can anyone help me to fix this problem?

    Thank youu very much
  2. scum101

    scum101 Guest

    really shoulda posted this somewhere more relevant.. the linux section or the UBUNTU FORUMS.. but I will reactivate my dead account and take pity on you by making a suggestion..

    That's a hopeless partitioning scheme.. you need a swap area defined.. as usual n00buntu tries to make a non booting or runs like crap system setup..

    so why not use the area with the bad sector as /swap .. say the first 500mb's of the 8gb area of the ssd. In reality the situation will just get worse now you have one bad sector.. but you can effect a cure (linux magic follows)

    The easiest way is to boot from a USB stick and run:

    dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda1 (for the smaller 4G SSD)
    dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb1 (for the larger 8G SSD)

    This will wipe _everything_ from the disks by writing zeroes to each block. You can verify this by making new file systems (assuming ext3) on the disks with:

    mkfs.ext3 -c /dev/sda1
    mkfs.ext3 -c /dev/sdb1

    That's -c for bad-block scan. After it works, you can just reinstall the system from scratch, but remember my note about defining a proper swap area, especially with a bloat monster like ubuntu.. puppy works way better on these little notebooks.
  3. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    moved to correct forum.
  4. scum101

    scum101 Guest

    no reply.. *sigh* .. typical.. next time I'm going to leave them to rot in the "other pc hardware" with all the M$ fanboys.
  5. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    can't please everybody.

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