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Linux Only PC?

Discussion in 'Linux - General discussion' started by black28, Nov 30, 2009.

  1. black28

    black28 Member

    Oct 28, 2008
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    hey guys, as in my previous thread i couldn't get XP running. but got Puppy Linux to go, can someone please assist me on how to get any Linux OS to boot straight from the HDD? like how you would use a XP Desktop just turn it on and sign on? the Linux i got running i always have to use bios boot from disc and do it every time. please help starting from creating a partition and formatting. thanks!
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    moved to correct forum as not a pc hardware issue.
  3. scum101

    scum101 Guest

    easy.. pick one.. debian, ubuntu (not 9.10.. it's duff) fedora, slackware, or any of a host of others.. look for small netinstall versions if you can.. debian and feedora have then, not sure about the rest

    burn to cd and then boot the same as puppy.. follow the instructions.. most will install fully automated style and only ask you a few questions while doing it.. like keyboard, timezone, user and root passwords.. then usually some package selection.. you want a desktop system.. so core and desktop.. and let it do it's stuff..

    basically it's as easy as following the prompts.. google specific installation hints for whatever one you pick.. they are all different.
  4. black28

    black28 Member

    Oct 28, 2008
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    thanks! i pretty much got the hang of it. had some problems with Ubuntu 8.4 but found out it was a server iso not desktop. any good recommendations for the best ones and y?
  5. scum101

    scum101 Guest

    I use debian, because it's what I know and it likes my older hardware.. that's it really.. I tinker with the others and generally I don't like them/don't find them as productive/find more broken stuff .. so I stick where I am comfortable.

    Arch is one to avoid.. it's crap to set up and will just leave you with a very unhappy experience.. 4 nights (over 40 hours I spent with the crap.. and it still refuses to start.. somewhere somehow the x system is broken at a core level.. at least for my hardware) same with gentoo.. hobbyist things for people who like to piss about, not people with a real world pressing need for stability and productivity.

    I think the realistic choices are simple.. debian or fedora.. different in the same kind of way... theres pclinux as well.. I'm not keen but it does work occasionally.. this release works at least where the last was somehow busted.

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