I don't care much for Ubuntu.. well known. I prefer to have a choice whether I install proprietary and patented software on any system I put together or not depending on need and suitability of available open source alternatives. Ubuntu cram mono dependencies down peoples throats without any attempt to explain what it is or what it means to a "pure" system.. but they continue to gain ground in the home desktop domain. I wouldn't personally go near Ubuntu for a server, IMHO it's not secure enough for a production server unless you get rid of many many "user friendly" bits and pieces. New release is talked about as "going out there and sticking it to Apple" .. so read on... http://www.serverwatch.com/eur/article.php/3878846/Ubuntus-Linux-OS----Mac-OS-Xs-Doppelganger.htm
Yeah, sticking it to crApple by imitating as many things as possible... Shuttleworth should just go and frigging buy one if he has such a hard on for Macs. Gimme Arch any day, KISS all the way. Playing with Openbox at the moment, what a breath of fresh air!