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Remove Linux install windows XP !!!

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by Adamc2326, Jul 26, 2009.

  1. Adamc2326

    Adamc2326 Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    I have just brought my daughter a Acer Aspire One A150 Intel Atom N270 1.6 GHz, 1GB RAM 120GB HDD which comes with Linux as the operating system.

    After about a week of using it she really wants XP installed instead of Linux. I have trawled through many links from google have found guides on there but they all differ and many are not clear.

    Has anyone got any links for me to help me throgh or can anyone spend some time explaining how I can go about doing this?

    The guides I have read go on about making a bootable USB drive...... but can I not just use a external cd drive and run the xp disc from there?

    If not when you make this bootable USB drive which files do you select from the windows xp disc to save to usb?

    All help would be very much appreciated

    Many Thanks

  2. varnull

    varnull Guest

    hard luck.. there are millions of guides for installing properitary operating systems.
  3. Marielmx3

    Marielmx3 Member

    Dec 8, 2005
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    haha omg varnull you're so mean >_<
    hai adam i dont know why you daughter wont like linux but hey i can understand not many girls like linux... we are rare ^_^
    or maybe the distro shes trying sucks
    Anyway you want to install XP? sure i downgraded my cousins vista to Xp last night. and wow that baby flies... they have a similar computer just 1 GB more.
    anyway you dont need a usb you can do it many ways I recommend you to go and buy XP Sp3 ultimate or vista from ebay or bestbuy if they still have it, then just make the CD boot (you may need to modify your boot options in your Bios) and finally poof you will have the best windows ever in no time.
    I'm not sure about this one but you can also check windows website and see if they can let you download (which i doubt) any of their versions burn the image CD and enjoy.
    and varnull is right there are millions of guides out there so a friendly advice form all of us
    TRY HARDER >_>
  4. OzMick

    OzMick Guest

    Marielmx3, Acer Aspire One doesn't *have* a built in CD drive. Give the OP a bit of credit for having thought of putting a disc in the drive.

    Yes, an external drive will work for you, and will be the easiest solution. I'll say this though: we'll be here for you when you come crawling back to Linux. Windows runs like a dog on netbooks.
  5. varnull

    varnull Guest

    *giggles* and if they use flash instead of a hdd it kills them in months with it's continual pagefile read/write junk.. and it won't work without it.
    The small print in the handbooks of lots of them actually explains why installing windoze WILL damage them.. and void the warranty.

    Anyway.. this junk should have been posted in the windoze sections because it has nothing to do with linux.. and it's well known that I won't help or support people who don't think about what they are asking and then posting appropriately. Google with that exact question brings up about 12 pages full oif very detailed guides... how and why should we waste our time reinventing the wheel?
  6. Marielmx3

    Marielmx3 Member

    Dec 8, 2005
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    whoa!! sorry i didnt knew.... ima refrain from helping from now on....
  7. varnull

    varnull Guest

    I do have to comment on the junk acer install on these notebooks.. I think it's a token gesture to comply with the European antitrust laws... They have picked probably one of the worst distro variants they can and stuck it on not caring if the bundled apps even work... Mind you when you see mre than a few acer pc's you start to get the impression they really don't have much of a clue about anything.. mirrored raid on one hdd running xp.. on a fat32 filesystem?? WTF???? That shows a level of stupidity I thought only compaq had.. proved wrong again.. I haven't ever seen any acer hardware set up properly from factory.. always some stupidity or other.. I guess as a saving grace they do provide drivers without making you jump through hoops of hardware locked to OS nonsense like toshiba and Fony have started doing.. I like flashing the bios on a £1200 customers laptop with a dodgy blu-ray drive.. honest I do...

    I put puppy on these babies.. and they love it to bits... low overheads and blazing fast little os.. I dump it into ram on boot to save the sd flash based memory on the ones with no actual hdd.. puppy will get by with no swap.. but I make a ramdisk of 64mb's as well.. and it flies.. really flies... outstrips everything I have seen.. even those so called "netbook" os variants that creaky likes so much.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2009
  8. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    That's only true on SSD notebooks, i have the 120GB Linpus Lite Acer here and it flies under XP.

    Haven't tried Puppy on mine but as always i'll vouch for Puppy's performance.

    Yeah i have UNR (Ubuntu Netbook Remix) on my Acer, dual booted with XP but it very rarely ever gets used as the netbook stays in XP 24/7 doing torrents

    I have the same exact Acer model, got rid of that crap Linpus almost as soon as i bought it (almost a year ago now, it's been running XP since then. it runs perfectly stable and very responsive.
    Have a read thru here ~
    Can't find the one thread i was looking for but basically it's dead easy to install XP, my main method is to hook up an external (USB 2.0) DVD drive and install that way.
  9. varnull

    varnull Guest

    But why we don't help is because this isn't a linux topic.. it's a windoze topic and should be posted accordingly..

    Pedantic? hell yeah!! XD

    The really scary thing is if it had been posted in the windoze area I would have linked a 100% guaranteed guide to making the usb stick with all the right drivers and everything.. all in pictures.

    I wonder if there is a download anywhere of this linpus garbage as installed.. I bet I could make a better version... but now it's Saturday and I'm going to have a beer and a sit out the back before it rains
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2009
  10. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Moved to a Windows forum as i'd forgotten to do that earlier.
  11. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2009

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