Is there such a thing of a program out there where i can get access to my clients computers from my home? I have a computer repair job on the side,thought it would be easy to remove virus's from my side,rather then running around,or having my clients drop the computer off.Thanks in advance.
Firstly it would depend on the OS, yours and theirs. Xp has remote assistance that allows you to use someones pc over the internet. Not sure that it is too good though. Other than that any program you use will need to be installed on both machines, making what you want to do difficult. I believe you can do it, im sure ISP's are able to do it. I will look into it and post again soon...
Had a good look around and there are websites that support what you are looking for and are willing to share their software, but again the sofware needs to be installed on both machines. Here is one that is "free" . It says free but they offer a premium service too. I have had a read and havn't seen anywhere that it says you have to pay for the service only that the premium offers more. I have had an idea, gonna check it out and if it works will post it here for you.
Just been reading more from the link i sent, i will suggest you check it out, all though i havn't completely read the site, i did read that it has a remote install, where you send a link to the customer who accepts the install and allows you to use their pc as if infront of it, then at the end of the session uninstalls itself. Hope this is helpful Let me know how you get on. (free version works pretty well but seems just a bit slow sometimes - but it works!). Nothing to install. Have user run "Show My PC to Remote User". You use "View Remote User's PC".