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Dumb Questions/Waste of time Questions

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by tnt1125, Apr 18, 2010.

  1. tnt1125

    tnt1125 Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    It seems to me there's more people posting questions or statements that you can tell they haven't wanted to waste their precious time to search or google for an answer or solution to a problem. They expect other people to waste their time in providing an answer to sometimes incomplete questions. Another thing that gets me is spelling. With free programs to check peoples spelling before posting, I see quite a few errors in a lot of posts. IE has ieSpell http://www.iespell.com/ I also know Firefox has a spell checker http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Using+the+spell+checker?style_mode=inproduct
    I'm bad at spelling and wouldn't post without checking my spelling.
  2. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    Who cars about bad spellng? Hasnt texting taght you how unimportnt speeling and punktuation iz?
  3. dailun

    dailun Active member

    Mar 16, 2006
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    I used to get baited into doing the homework for those type of trolls, to the point of making a futile attempt into educating them beyond the level of bottom feeder.

    Now I just ignore them altogether.
  4. Paula_X

    Paula_X Guest

    I pick on them.. make their ears burn and teach them a valuable lesson.. in cyberspace EVERYBODY can hear you whimper.. hahahahahaha
  5. xboxdvl2

    xboxdvl2 Regular member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    I try not to make spelling mistakes and yeah firefox has a spell checker in it that is turned on all the time,maybe not on your computer but it is on mine and i still make typo's and i dont see firefox correcting my spelling either.Even microsoft word doesnt always pick up spelling mistakes when you type a word doc and spell check it.Usually I can't be bothered picking on people but occasionally i will.
  6. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    Plus there are a lot of errors that won't get picked up, like "Battery" and "Batters" or "Cares" and "Cars". Also, the FF spellchecker is terrible with brand names, locations, etc...so everything you type ends up with a few underlined "spelling errors".
  7. Paula_X

    Paula_X Guest

    Try it on linux kids.. CaSe SenSiTivE it is.. for names.. but it's still a pain when your general vocabulary is wider than the spellchecker dictionary.
  8. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    It is case sensitive on windows too...but that does not change the fact that it underlines many proper nouns (even 'Macromedia' gets underlined...how could Mozilla have forgotten that?)
  9. Paula_X

    Paula_X Guest

    Add it in then.. hehehe .. or can't you do that with proprietary spellcheckers?

    right click and "add to dictionary" .. simples XD .. But I guess you know that.. info for n00bs it is.. oh yes..

    wow.. after 20 years M$ finally realise there are upper and lower case letters and provide support, or is this only firefox we are talking about? My basic text editor along with everything else runs the same dictionary spellchecker.. make a change in one place on one application and it's system wide from then on. Indeed my system talks proper English like wot I does, not american. (and my grammar checker doesn't object to dialect either. because I learned it how people round these ways happens to talk.. or I turn it off and rely on my education)
    It's full of stuff like 1337 and n00b and numbnuts .. too much time on t'internet me ;)

    fun things spellcheckers .. I have a lot of pleasure teaching mine new things. Next time I'm in the library I'm going to make a few changes to their stock M% thing.. kiddie spelling mistakes I think.. students write stuff on them and blindly trust M$ to know best.. hahahaha
  10. gurnard

    gurnard Regular member

    Mar 22, 2005
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    hi :)
    i come from the west country... and the spell checkers never ever worked..so have to check if my spells work myself. (which at times can be downright dangerous )
  11. Paula_X

    Paula_X Guest

    so have to check if my spells work myself

    remind me to keep my distance when you have that pointy hat on and the cauldron bubbling XD

    your poor fish has nearly vanished.. have you been trying the "make stuff bigger" spell again?
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2010
  12. gurnard

    gurnard Regular member

    Mar 22, 2005
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    hi P :) X

    there you go :)
  13. Paula_X

    Paula_X Guest




    and honestly.. did not search answer that moronic question for him?

    rent+rip rent+rip ..

    the moral of the story ..


    People who never come on forums asking dumb questions must have independent ways of problem solving. If we ignore the dumbass questions and the lazy questions they will have no option but to work it out for themselves. I guess some people have never been presented with a problem which has never been documented or answered before.. like dhcp on a network but not running a nameserver, then trying to connect a solaris machine... I know my stuff, and it still took me 3 days to figure out you had to configure it wrong for it to work. Creaky will understand exactly what I am on about.. the "hosts" file system alias allocation? My network names systems after their mac's, not their alias.. it leaves the "name" bit blank (security thing.. can't be spoofed as easily) Found a fix on my own.. because no bugger in unix world anywhere.. (and I mean anywhere!) had a solution.. 300 pages of google search results and nowt.. lots of coffee and plenty of wanderings about smoking and muttering deep into the dark hours.. I'm not going to discuss what it was like finding a driver for an old and unusual network card.. mice had eaten the original sun one.
    I spose that's the difference between people like us and people like the ones who ask for the millionth time "if I play my modded 360 on live will I get banned?" .. At school they learned the answers, not how to attack the questions. It's going to be a grim future.......

    The fish is back.. woot! .. got the spell right at last eh?
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2010
  14. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    Yeah...it seems like most of my questions here never get answered either...I always have to try to find some way around the problem, and it usually isn't the way I would like (for instance, my media server is also my torrent box...I use VPN for my torrents, but still need LAN for the media server/VNC functions...I waited for a while, but got no response on this or any other forum. Finally, I figured out a way to do it with a Virtual PC Session...but it still isn't a very good solution, and I wish I could find a better one)
  15. xboxdvl2

    xboxdvl2 Regular member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    alot of the time i ask a question and it doesnt get answered on here unless its non tech related and in safety valve.occasionally a really good tech person will come along and be really helpful.sometimes an odd person who you have helped will surprise you with an answer to an odd question.

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