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Work, Life, and Fun.

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by themind, Sep 10, 2010.

  1. themind

    themind Member

    Nov 14, 2004
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    I'm 30 years old now and I've been in and out of jobs, relationships, and ultimately sanity. With my last loss of a job I was really close to offing my self but with the help of family, friends, and tharipy I was able to get through it and get back on top of my game. Now I'm on meds that are working for me and I have lost yet another job. Luckily I have found a new one with in a week. I feel fine, my thoughts are clear, I'm not depressed yet I find myself thinking about suicide. Can a person be suicidal without being depressed or crazy?
  2. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    Suicide is the natural reaction when experienced pain exceeds the ability to deal with experienced pain...so someone in huge physical pain might do the deed without being depressed or crazy. Also, not all cultures look down on suicide in all cases; the Japanese practice of Seppuku (extremely painful suicide to avoid dishonor) would be a good example.

    Don't off yourself...if life is not worth living anymore, then change your life...it isn't like you have anything to loose if you are ready to end it all. Life can be a wonderful experience once you stop fearing death.
  3. xboxdvl2

    xboxdvl2 Regular member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    suicide is the selfish way out.It might seem like a good way out but it will leave your friends and family grieving.Some of the stuff the japanese do might be considered crazy by normal standards (such as seppuku).A person can feel suicidal without being depressed but usually theres an underlying issue to it.best thing to do is focus on the positive things instead of the negatives.
  4. ps355528

    ps355528 Active member

    Aug 17, 2010
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    And what about somebody with no friends and family? .. life is about living for yourself and not actually giving a damn about other people "It will upset them" is not a valid reason to carry on living a miserable pointless life.
  5. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    IF they truly love you, then they should be happy when you find peace.
  6. xboxdvl2

    xboxdvl2 Regular member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    if life is going no where (pointless as you put it) then its time to change your life.dying won't get you anyway except possibly a place called heaven if your religious but no one have lived (and gone there)to say weather heaven is real or not?????Unless your are actually dying (cancer or aids are good examples) then theres no point in suicide.Life has ups and downs thats normal.
  7. ps355528

    ps355528 Active member

    Aug 17, 2010
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    And what makes people think they have the right to dictate to another what they do or do not choose to do with their life? If somebody has had enough and wants to die then that's fine with me.. who says there is no point?,,. have you never in your life done something pointless just because? I happen to think whether something has a point or not can also only be judged from the viewpoint of the viewer.. no outsider can ever begin to properly understand (and that's where yanks get it all so bloody wrong all the time with their addiction to counsellors and therapists ffs!) what does or does not have a point to somebody else.

    This has nothing whatsoever to do with any religion bollocks either.. it's just a matter of completely logical personal ethics... if it ain't yours then your opinion and your desires towards it have no importance at all..

    try again?
  8. xboxdvl2

    xboxdvl2 Regular member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    I'm not trying to dictate anyone I'm just pointing out suicide wont improve anything (in my opinion anyway).Think im entitled to my opinion.I'm not a yank, an english person raised in australia.think arguing with you is pointless as you have an opinion and i have a different 1.
  9. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    And i am canadian with still a different point of view.
  10. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    Not all "Yanks" are the types to go to those who do nothing but reassure whatever the client already knows. I know my country has a bad reputation for the mindless citizens, and they do constitute the vast majority...but there are still those who can think on their own, and who hold the value of their own opinion over the opinions of those of others...there are even a few enlightened enough to respect all opinions evenly, yet to follow their own choices.

    Personally, I have no real problem with someone killing themselves...it just seems like a waste; not a waste of life, but a waste of a potentially useful death. If you want to die, don't do it at home...do it in a way that will damn someone or something that deserves to be damned.
  11. xboxdvl2

    xboxdvl2 Regular member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    i just dont see the point in dying unless its for a good reason (ect protecting your family,country,loved ones.)people die everyday for little reason in 3rd world countries.I understand people die in the army but they are doing what they believe is right for their country and sometimes things happen.i consider it a waste of life if someone kills them self, they have the potential to do good things and maybe even great things.
  12. ps355528

    ps355528 Active member

    Aug 17, 2010
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    I ain't fraid of no pope ;)

    I agree life is for living.. if we don't go out there are git-r-done then chances are somebody else will and then we feel even more pointless and no use to nuttin ;)

    The huge block people run into is mainly I think a certain lack of confidence.. if they think it's all going to crap before they start is there really any point doing it in the first place?

    I learned that it's not the result that counts, it's the going and seeing and doing that matters far more than the end result. Somebody once said to me "the end always justifies the means".. and shoot me if they weren't right! It's taken years for it to really become obvious that it doesn't matter what it is or where we go but how we get there that counts.. because theres only one guarantee in life and that is it will one day sooner or later come to an end.. guaranteed.. it's a certainty. Where there neds to be an attitude shift is in the perception and conceptual stability of the individual to realise life is just the space between being born and dying.. nothing else.. there is no "great mission" .. just step out there and see where it leads.. it can be a miserable lonely trapped experience or it can be something truly wonderful.. I take exciting adventures over trapped alone every time.

    Could that be the result of surviving cancer?.. who knows.. what I do know for certain is somehow sometime the way I personally look at life changed. It's the only thing we truly have so again comes the personal choice.. honest.. if somebody doesn't want it and is truly unhappy whatever decision they make to get out of the loop is fine. After all.. my life is my life.. it's up to me what I decide to do with it... nobody else really has any say and because of that I really don't want to try to make their decisions for them :)


    when we grow up and no longer need somebody bigger to hold our hand and keep us safe then the adventure begins.... sometimes maybe people need a nudge in a different direction. All I can say to somebody who has had enough is to go and have some adventures and find out if there actually is anything worth experiencing.. maybe there isn't but unless they make at least a token attempt.. bleh.. whatever.. you get my drift
  13. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    what is the flag for?
  14. ps355528

    ps355528 Active member

    Aug 17, 2010
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    oooo.. very surprising how many people don't recognise the international flag of the transgender community.. same on Saturday as well.. every news media camera crew came and asked, along with must have been 100 protesters. A good hunt of flickr will show it a few times in the march

    the event was.. http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2010/09/1...on-homosexuality-and-the-spread-of-hiv-aids/#

    I think it makes a point about going out and having adventures.. on my own 250 miles from home in a huge crowd after 4 hours travel to be there... sometimes you have to stand up and be counted regardless of the outcome.

    It was a proper protest.. not some parade but a real march with a message..
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2010
  15. ps355528

    ps355528 Active member

    Aug 17, 2010
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    that shut you all up didn't it.. big men on the internet.. no bollocks at all in the real world..

    try it and see.. it's fun out there over the hill.. after all there is a world outside the valley
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2010
  16. chris1980

    chris1980 Guest

    Those "who do nothing" saved the lives of many of my mates and even my own. How dare you look down on those who see therapists. You say that you survived cancer... you were treated by a doctor, right? Someone with a mental condition seeing a therapist is no different.
  17. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    we all have issues whether mentally or physically & sometimes both as nobody is perfect.
  18. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    I never mentioned having cancer...that was ps355528. I honestly consider therapists to be in the same occupation as hookers; charging a large amount of money for a small amount of time, in which they give you temporary relief in a way that you do not need healthy human relationships.

    ps355528 - You still never said what the flag was for...I assume you don't carry it with you every day, so it must have been for something.
  19. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    yes she did.
  20. aldan

    aldan Active member

    Mar 24, 2007
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    good for you ps355528 standing up for something you believe in.that is your right.it is ,however remarkably closed minded of you to group all men on this site as you have done in your post.you have been through a lot i guess and it has made you bitter and suspicious of people in general.thats too bad.ive had my disagreements with people on this site but i dont recall getting quite so vocal about it.time to chill,be thankfull for what you have.cheers.

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