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CobraUSB Firmware v4.0

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by GBX_Lee, Oct 4, 2011.

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  1. GBX_Lee

    GBX_Lee Regular member

    Jul 23, 2010
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    The team behind the CobraUSB has announced today the release of their latest dongle firmware, version 4.0. New to this version, is the ability to play PSP games in ISO format. Although still being worked on, and not being able to save yet; it is reported that some games are at least running at full speed. Also updated is the new version cobraflash, which will be more secure than the previous version.

    I just tried Ultimate Ghost n Goblins. It actually runs faster than it should, so there are timing issues.Will try more, and report back. BTW,got mine from slickdoor.com
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