This is what the item looks like: I've read this one review of this product saying the following: "The interior is not very smooth, creating sticky-looking black blotches, which have a rainbow aura when reflecting light. This may not be a problem with the white DS, however when the DS is black, the blotches are highly noticeable. The blotches do not go away even when drying both the cover and the DS. Main point: blotches are not pretty." A replier said: "Wow... I thought the rainbowish blotches were my fault. I wiped my black DS lite down and waited for it to dry before I popped it into the protector. Unfortunately these little blotches were there and I tried my best to "dry" it off again even though everything was dry. I gave up and just accepted it." A second similar review was: "What surprises me is the lack of mentioning about blotches except for a review or two. I own 'Onyx' and there's weird rainbow colored blotches where the DS lite and plastic case are pressed together. I don't know how it would affect any other colors. However, this means little to me since I rarely look at the cover. I'm busy playing the games. Just a heads up to anyone who may find it incredibly annoying."
I forgot to ask, what are these reviews saying got blotched? The case or the DS itself? The replier said he couldn't wash off the mark FROM HIS DS, but the others seem to be saying this a defect of the case and not something it causes to the DS Lite. I'm just wondering if anyone understands it better than I do.
pointless working it out just get it here or or all cheaper than the one your looking at also no blotching there saying when the plastic on plastic it touching through the clear case it looks like an oil mark where it sweats, its nothing to worry about you need to study it to see them
YES but they're talking about something they cannot fix/wipe this something on the DS itself, the case, or both? Because if this caused a permanent mark on the DS...then obviously this is something way bigger than if it was on the case...when the case is 10 dollars, and the DS is 130.
get a latex skin then, i can't see anything like that on my ds's i bought nothing like your describing with this, but i have never seen cases leave oil stains on ds lites before either. they also have this moisture in the air very fine when pressed between 2 plastic sheets looks oily but take them apart and gone. i know what he means but you shouldn't take too much notice its not leaving coloured marks on the ds, the guy has only tried it on a black ds and said its leaving black splodges instantly and there instantly dry, its slight air moisture. but its just because the ds and shell are smooth and touching, these guys are picky and moaning about nothing. the blotches will always be same colour as console because water is clear, ant were talking about as much moisture thats in your finger tip