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DSi Cart Advice

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by simmo2302, Jul 15, 2011.

  1. simmo2302

    simmo2302 Regular member

    Feb 17, 2007
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    First off, i will say that i have done some research, and have some knowledge on the subject, as i know how frustrating it can be answering the same basic questions over and over again.

    I have 3 boys, and have decided to layby them a DSi eaxh for X-mas.

    No doubt these DSi's will probably have the latest FW on them. 1.4.2 maybe higher

    So card wise i was looking at the AceKard 2i, M3i Zero & the Supercard DS Two.

    As the kids are bout 10yrs old. I personally dont think they need all the bells & whistles, of an advanced card.

    The AceKard 2i looks great and is priced great, but apparently upgrading it is difficult, especially if you dont have an older model DS (which I dont & dont have access to one either)

    although it apparently comes with 1.4.2 compatibility out of the box now.

    and then you also have the AKAIO software (which i'm still reading up on)

    The M3i Zero, looks & is priced great, apparently with a few better features over the AceKard 2i, and is much easier to upgrade and can currently be upgraded to be compatible with 1.4.2

    the downside i have heard is that updates are comming out slowly from the dev's. and there is allegedly a higher rate of card faults, than with other kards.

    The Supercard DS Two, is the top of the line, can be upgraded to be compat. with 1.4.3, and has all the bells and whistles. but it has a price to match.

    my biggest fear is that with all these bells & whistles(or any card in general), the kids will do some "exploring" in the menus and select somthing that will stuff the card or DSi up.


    SO i honestly dont kno which card to get, as i want one thats easy to use, easy to upgrade, pretty reliable and wel...kid/idiot proof.

    so if someone can enlighten me as to which card (the AceKard 2i or the M3i Zero) is the better one for my (3) kids DSi..... or whether i should just suck it up and go for the supercard DS Two and hope the kids dont find a self-destruct option in there somewhere.

    Last edited: Jul 15, 2011
  2. GBX_Lee

    GBX_Lee Regular member

    Jul 23, 2010
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    Properly you have gotten the answers yourself.
    But there is a shop which helps people to upgrade the flashcart to work with the latest dsi firmware for free if you purchase microSD card together. It's called slickgate.com , hope that helps.
  3. Christohy

    Christohy Member

    Jul 21, 2011
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    Hi simmo2302, i recommend you choose the DSTwo , and then Acekard 2i, hmm,i would rather not choose M3i zero, this is not a good card IMO, other R4 card such as R4i gold 3ds is even better then M3 card.
  4. simmo2302

    simmo2302 Regular member

    Feb 17, 2007
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    Cheers guys,

    i'm definitely leaning towards the DSTwo now.

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