Just got my son a DSi and his R4 card doesn't work on it. It just says "an error has occurred...". What do I do to make this work? Do I need a new R4? Do I need a new Micro SD and R4? or can I just upgrade the firmware for my exisiting R4? Thanks...and I am totally clueless about all this so if you could answer me in plain english that would be great I am in Ontario Canada.
ok, can you tell me what is the system of your sons DSi, the V1.44 ? or lower. And th e card you have is the DSTT or DSTTi? usually when we see this error message "an error has occurred..." we need to update the flashcart. but as far as i know DSTTi can not work on DSi V1.44, that's why i ask the version o f your DSi.
Hi...the DSi is version 1.4. The e card I have is a DSTT not the DSTTi. I have an R4 as well and neither work on the DSi. The DSTT comes up with the error msg and the R4 the DSi doesn't register at all. Can I just update the flashcart of the DSTT to the kernal for the DSTTi or do I need an actual DSTTi e card?? If the DSTTi will not work on the DSi, will another e card work ? If so which one? Thanks
Hi, DSTT can not work on your console, you need to buy a new flashcart for your DSi console. i recommend you buy the r4i gold 3ds or Acekard 2i which is working great on your DSi console, and DStwo is the best, but also most exepnsive. here is the R4i gold 3ds card i mean: http://www.dsflashcart.com/r4i-gold-3ds-wood-r4i-3ds-flashcard-for-ds-dsi-3ds-p-248.html do not buy other cards, just choose one from r4i g old 3ds, ak2i or DStwo.