anyone used this? im guessing you can swap between multi skins loaded on the ds any ideas? downloaded file extracted it and put on root of card, in ttmenu folder open skins folder and drag and drop folders with skins in them next to the default folder when you scroll down the dstt list you'll see a new icon skin open it scroll up and down press a to install new wallpaper it sends the file you have chosen to default folder and thats your new skin
works on dstti as well, put download in as a game its a.nds file, when downloading theme's extract them to a folder and put them in the TTMENU/SKINS folder do not delete default folder as thats the only place the skins are found by the .nds file. scroll through the games find the sstt program press A to run and when loaded up and down on D-pad to find skin A button to select sometimes you will have to press A twice.
Hi everyone. I bought new nintendo dsi last week and i need some good looking gaming skin on it. So while searching a lot regarding this i came through a website , Is this website is really good in providing nice dsi skins?
Hi everyone.. I bought new Dsi last week and i need to cover it with a nice skin on it. So i have searched a lot regarding this and came through a website , Is this website is really good in providing nice skin?
I was going to buy a laptop shortly, and was thinking to cover it with a nice skin so while searching on internet i came thorugh this website, is this website really worthful?