hi there my kids just got r4 cards for the Ds and i was wondering how to remove and add new games, do i need a special progam to put them on the microsd card, i have found websites to download new nds files but when i put them on the microsd card they dont work could it be i just downloaded a bad game or need a program to do it
You need the files to make the R4 work, the box or leaflet should tell you what web site to go to. The probelm with R4 cards is their are over 35 of them each with different files. The site in my signature host most / all of them.
ok i have the R4i sdhc and they got the disk with games all rdy on it, what i would like to do is take some them off and add new ones, i downloaded a nds file and i tried to add it to the disk and it goes on microsd but does not work when i put it the ds. i have downloaded the happybox program but not sure how to use it
no error msg i can get the game on to the sdhc card and then put into the r4 card, then infind the game on the menu screen but game icon is all fuzzy and will not play ok just tried tony hawk proving ground and this time i got an error msg something like load error code rom-5 please reset system