Today ismart official site has released the new firmware to make their ismart mm flashcart work on DSi V1.44 system. So until now, three cards can work on DSi V1.44. r4i gold ( and supercard DStwo and ismart mm, and at the same time, ak2i official site has released the news that ak2i users do not update the DSi console until they release the update patch later. iSmart MM V2.1 Update, March 24th, 2012 (Full Version) download: Change Log 2012-03-23 Added support for DSi v1.4.4U/A/E & v1.4.5C 2011-12-13 Fixed for Metal Max 2 reloaded (J) Instruction: 1. Download the file. 2. Unzip it to your local hard drive. 3. Copy the 4 folders to your TF (replace the old ones). AK2i Do Not Update your DSi to 1.4.4 Please do not update your DSi to 1.4.4 if your console prompt you to update. We'll release DSi 1.4.4 update file for AK2i ASAP. Please be patient. Thanks.