Hi there first of all i've searched the threads and can't find an answer that has helped, so please forgive me if this is old ground. I have an N5 card with 2Gb SD. Up until recently most games have worked fine, but virually all of the newer ones i've tried just go blank on loading, or fail on startup. After reading the issues regarding individual games (wario DIY, mario and luigi inside bowser, avatar) i've now downloaded and installed the latest firmware (1.32) - however i still have the same issues. I've also read allsorts of advice regarding ysmenu and r4 firmware but after hours of trying different solutions, i still can't make the majority of new games work. all my old games are running fine. Can anyone offer a simple guide of how to make this N5card work with Wario DIY, inside bowser or any of the newer roms? thanks in advance
Unfortunately the N5 was a poor R4 clone - it rarely gets updated (last over 4 months ago). As Warioware has a new type of piracy protection, only the best cards have resolved this. 1) Buy a new card 2) Hope there will be an update at some point 3) See if Wood R4 will work on the N5 as this is being regularly updated (should only work on R4 original)
Simple guide 1)Throw the card away (keep the microSD optional) 2)Buy a new flash cart that doesn't have R4 or N5 in the name