alright so i have the R4 revolution for DS (NDSL/NDS), and i get my firmware from, and the latest one is 1.18, but now more and more games are coming that wont play on there, yu-gi-oh world championship 2010 is one of them, it tells me that it couldn't be read and to turn off the power and try again, and i found a step by step guide for YSMenu here: but i can't download YSMenu where the guide tells me, so can you help me on getting my r4 updated or tell me the best card to get for my DS that way i can just buy it and be done with all the complication... I'd prefer getting YSMenu on my R4 first to see if that fixes anything before having to get a new card, butif i must i must, so can you put up instructions for YSMenu and what cards are the best (that does not have "R4" in it's name anywhere)
acekard 2i with firmware akaio 1.6 will palay all the games it will work nds/ndsl/ndsi/ndsixl got mine from had it i four days