i need your guidance as to what to do with my nintendo ds. The story goes... At first the top screen blinked when tried to switch it on. I looked it up on the internet and found out that when this happens is the opposite screen that has the problem and needs replacement. So i did replace the bottom screen thinking that everything will get shorted but i get exactly the same problem as before. The top screen blinks, there is an instance of a yellow light on the side of the console and then nothing. I have triple check whether i've connected the cables correctly and i am pretty sure i have. the next step was to find information about the fuses. F1 and F2. It is true i checked their power with an electric screwdriver and they don't generate a very strong light, but they do give one whatsoever even if it is not strong. Any suggestions as to what steps i should take in order to fix the console and whether it is fixable or not? I am one step away from throwing it away sadly....
multi meter you need to check small components on ds you get better results have you taken out top screen bottom screen and touch screen and reconnected them. also are the mic and wifi connected? and the wifi board?