here is a step by step guide to use the r4i gold 3ds card cheat feature step 1: put the latest wood firmware on your sd card. Step 2: click the icon to login the wood menu and find the game list. Step 3: On the bottom screen, click the start icon and you should see the menu. Step 4: Just click setting and you will see a lot of settings there. Step 5: Use the L/R buttonon and choose the patch setting. Then you will see the cheat in game option, just turn on it and save. Step 6: Go back to the game list, click the X and you will cheat options, just choose any cheat features you want.
great, thanks for the advice, so the r4i gold 3ds card should be this one: or i should use another card.
thanks for your guide and my daughter ran mario games with cheat function perfectly.just as we knew, Nintendo 3DS firmware has been updated to v7.1.0-15, r4i gold 3ds can directly work on it, you can buy preflashed r4i gold from