I am attempting to replace slot 1 of a DS Lite. I have already ordered the replacement slot and i have the special 3 point driver. I just read a topic about the soldering and I was wondering if anyone could recommend a specific desolder pump?
http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=97040 but this product is cheaper on other websites, what soldering iron do you use
I have done this several times, most important use a low wattage soldering iron, otherwise you may remove the tracks from the board. 1) desolder the 4 retaining pads (2 each side) as you heat up the pad gently prise the Slot upwards, once removed from the solder blow to cool the solder, release the tension and move to the next pad. Once all four pads are removed disassemble (break open)the slot. This will leave the pins attached to the board and it is much easier to desolder and remove each pin individually. 2) Before soldering on the new slot1 clean the solder pads and straighten all the pins on the new slot1, makes things much easier. Also start at one end and work through the pins in turn. Just make sure you don't bridge any pins.
I have to purchase a soldering iron as well as it seems i've misplaced the one I had. I will be getting a 15w iron which I believe would be great for this job. So I should remove the pins individually? I suppose that would make sense because there would not be the chance for them to reattach as you work on the next ones. Thanks for the tip!
I was wondering if you knew what model the desoldering pump is? The link you gave me does not state and I would like to search for a better price.