Would like to hook up our cable with HDTV quality (HDMI) to an HDTV. We do not want to get a "Cable Box" from the cable co. cost too much for the box. Is there a cable to convert to HDMI straight from the cable line? Any help with this would be grateful.
"Is there a cable to convert to HDMI straight from the cable line? " No, that's the whole purpose of the cable box.
Even if there were a cable to convert an f connector (coax cable) to HDMI, you would still need a tuner to be able to view the channels. Most TVs have a built-in tuner, but it's only usable if you connect using the coax/antenna connector on the back of the TV.
1. HDMI is not required for HDTV quality 2. Digital channels from the cable TV company are encoded such that Clear QAM tuners cannot decode them. 3. HD channels over the Analog (basic) cable can be tuned in as available by tuning "." or "-" channels If you don't want to pay for the converter box, you are stuck with whatever channels your TV set can receive by plugging the coax cable into the tuner.