I was wondering if any one knows if Android for iphone can play flash yet . I know they were trying to port the gpu drivers for Android .
I doubt anybody here will have android on iphone. I would like to but, I have a 3gs and it hasn't been ported yet... :-(
I would like to aswell but there are a few things holding me back . Things like not being able to use marketplace app and no flash . It seems they are well on their way to it being full operational os alternative .
I hope they can port it onto the 3gs aswell at some point. Haven't heard any word of them doing anything with the 3gs though... ;_; To be honest though, I like the iphone OS. I'm prob one of few people who do, but I would like to try out android just out of curiosity, but don't want to pony up the cash for an android device... >.<
Skyfire was submitted to the app store today . If its approved we will be able to play flash on the iphone . NICE !
If your device is jailbroken, just download frash, if you want flash on iPhone! Lol or am I thinking of summit different? Lol
Frash is very limited and I heard it only plays flash type ads and minimal flash videos . Skyfire transcoded flash to html5 on the fly and will play any flash video .