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Cancel Iphone contract before 30 days are up?

Discussion in 'iPhone - General discussion' started by prutherf, Aug 28, 2010.

  1. prutherf

    prutherf Member

    Jun 11, 2005
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    Dear Fellow AfterDawn Addicts ,
    I became ill in July requiring surgery Aug.2 .My wife and I have had g1 google phones with T-mobile since Oct 08. My G1 phone was having problemss I could deal with -(not reading flash memory couldnt take pics or add apps) and my wifes was fully functional.Then our golden retriever ate my wifes g1 (thats right ATE it-though she didnt swallow it - The phone was ruined.

    I panicked because of my upcoming surgery I did not want to lose contact with my family while in the hospital.
    My original idea was to get her a new G1 but they are $180 for the warranty service and around the same price on ebay.Since my phone was messing up also at the time , cancelling the contract with T-mobile seemed worth the money , only $45 per line because of length of contract left. (I like T-mobile but the out of town coverage really sucks).I had planned on either going back to Verizon or AT&T when the contract was up in October.

    Well then I did something really stupid and walked into AT&T and let them sell me two iphones $99 each w/ tax and signed a two year contract.I don`t even like Apple products but my daughter is enamored with them.I wanted another android but the only one I liked was $199 and I needed two so it was just a money thing.

    I can give everyone a great piece of advice right here at this point.Do not < I repeat do not > change stuff up like going from android os to apple before having major surgery.I cannot tell you how much not having something you are used to will add to your confusion . Doing things differently on a phone you are not famlliar with will make you crazy.

    I have seen on the internet that you can cancel the contract within 30 days with no cancellation fee and just paying the restock charge.
    Anyways my questions are ; Should I cancel the contract before the thirty days and keep the phones? Go back to T-mobile for a couple mo. or should I cancel and take the phones back .Will I be happy w/ AT& T service or should I have went to Verizon and gotten a newer android that I am more familiar with ?Should I cancel and take all equipment back and go to Verizon and get an Android that I am more familiar with ?

    We have to have cell phones as I turned off the land lines a couple of years ago.I really hate being tied to itunes also.
    The reason I went to android instead of iphone two years ago is because of the open platform.If I stay with At&T and unlock the phone is that close enough to open platform that I will be happy ? I dont want to pay to use music I already have as ringtones , etc.

    I guess really I am just trying to get used to using the iphone and its so different that I am rethinking my decision. I hate having a contract w/ cellphone companies anyways - seems like I always get screwed by them.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  2. xboxdvl2

    xboxdvl2 Regular member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    pre paid might be the way to go for you.I've never been on a contract and ive had a mobile phone for 13years(well several actually).about the iphone if you have a copy of the terms and conditions it should give you a cooling off period or a refund policy not too sure on the details.
  3. hooter007

    hooter007 Regular member

    Dec 20, 2008
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    hmm......this post looks familiar!!
  4. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    hooter, it is. closed the other thread.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2010

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