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Is my iPhone dead?

Discussion in 'iPhone - General discussion' started by Torrs, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. Torrs

    Torrs Member

    Jan 18, 2009
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    I have an iPhone 3G 8GB. It is not Jailbroken or Unlocked. Basically the iPhone was accidently run down to 0. Then when I came to turn if back on it wouldn't.

    Basically, if I plug in a connector cable that is connected to a USB the silver Apple logo appears on screen for a minute or so, then the display disappears apart from a very faint Apple logo (almost like screen burn) until I unplug the cable, and it disappears completely. By the way, this is the only way I can get any responce from the iPhone

    If I try and put it into DFU mode, it comes up with the Connect to iTunes graphic. I connect to iTunes, iTunes recognizes a device is in DFU mode. I try and restore but it fails instantly with an Error 23. It then disconnects itself. I have this procedure of three different Macs, all with the same outcome.

    Anyone have any ideas? Is this iPhone completely dead? Is there anything else I can try?
  2. Bigperm88

    Bigperm88 Guest

    You have probably done this, but its all i can think of. Charge the phone with the wall adapter over night.
  3. wabashman

    wabashman Active member

    Apr 30, 2006
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    agree. had this happen to me a while back when i didnt have a charger with me and didnt realize it was getting so low. but my laptop simply would not charge the phone. used the wall charger and a few hours later it was back in working condition.

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